The Greatest Films of All Time (Chronological) -- English Language Only

Added on by C. Maoxian.

The Greatest Films of All Time2022 poll … English Language Only, listed chronologically … movies I’ve see are in bold and movies I’ve see and recommend are noted:

  1. Intolerance (1916)

  2. Greed (1923)

  3. Sherlock Jr. (1924)

  4. The General (1926)

  5. Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans (1927)

  6. The Crowd (1928)

  7. City Lights (1931)

  8. Trouble in Paradise (1932)

  9. Duck Soup (1933)

  10. Modern Times (1936)

  11. Bringing Up Baby (1938)

  12. His Girl Friday (1939)

  13. Only Angels Have Wings (1939)

  14. The Wizard of Oz (1939)

  15. Citizen Kane (1941)

  16. Sullivan’s Travels (1941) — recommended

  17. Casablanca (1942)

  18. The Magnificent Ambersons (1942)

  19. To Be Or Not To Be (1942) — recommended

  20. The Life and Death of Colonel Blimp (1943)

  21. Meshes of the Afternoon (1943)

  22. A Canterbury Tale (1944)

  23. Double Indemnity (1944) — recommended

  24. Brief Encounter (1945)

  25. I Know Where I’m Going! (1945)

  26. My Darling Clementine (1946)

  27. Notorious (1946) — recommended

  28. Black Narcissus (1947)

  29. It’s a Wonderful Life (1947)

  30. Out of the Past (1947) — recommended

  31. Letter from an Unknown Woman (1948) — long, boring, unrealistic

  32. The Red Shoes (1948) — too long, too boring, too gay

  33. The Third Man (1949) — recommended

  34. A Matter of Life and Death (1946)

  35. All about Eve (1950)

  36. In a Lonely Place (1950)

  37. Sunset Blvd. (1950)

  38. SIngin’ in the Rain (1951) — recommended

  39. The River (1951)

  40. Johnny Guitar (1954)

  41. Rear Window (1954) — recommended

  42. All That Heaven Allows (1955) — recommended

  43. The Night of the Hunter (1955) — recommended

  44. The Searchers (1956)

  45. Rio Bravo (1958)

  46. Vertigo (1958) — recommended

  47. Imitation of Life (1959) — another Sirk? One Sirk is enough

  48. North by Northwest (1959) — recommended

  49. Some Like It Hot (1959) — recommended

  50. Touch of Evil (1958)

  51. Psycho (1960)

  52. The Apartment (1960) — recommended

  53. Lawrence of Arabia (1962)

  54. The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance (1962)

  55. Dr. Strangelove or… (1963) — recommended

  56. The Birds (1963)

  57. The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (1966)

  58. Symbiopyschotaxiplasm: Take One (1967)

  59. Wavelength (1967)

  60. 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)

  61. Once Upon a Time in the West (1968)

  62. The Wild Bunch (1969)

  63. Wanda (1970) — token “feminist” movie

  64. A Clockwork Orange (1971)

  65. The Godfather (1972) — recommended

  66. Pink Flamingos (1972) — John Waters’ movies good if you need to induce vomiting

  67. Don’t Look Now (1973)

  68. A Woman under the Influence (1974) — Cassavetes means hell no, hard pass, awful awful awful

  69. Chinatown (1974) — recommended

  70. The Godfather Part II (1974) — recommended

  71. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974)

  72. Barry Lyndon (1975)

  73. Jaws (1975)

  74. Mirror (1975)

  75. Nashville (1975)

  76. Harlan County, USA (1976)

  77. News from Home (1976)

  78. Taxi Driver (1976) — recommended

  79. Annie Hall (1977) — recommended

  80. Killer of Sheep (1977)

  81. Star Wars (1977) — recommended

  82. Days of Heaven (1978) — recommended

  83. The Deer Hunter (1978)

  84. Alien (1979)

  85. Apocalypse Now (1979)

  86. Raging Bull (1980)

  87. The Shining (1980) — recommended

  88. Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981) — recommended

  89. Blade Runner (1982) — recommended

  90. The Thing (1982)

  91. Born in Flames (1983)

  92. Once upon a Time in America (1983)

  93. Videodrome (1983)

  94. Love Streams (1984) — there is NOTHING WORSE on the planet than a Cassavetes movie

  95. Paris, Texas (1984) — hated this

  96. Blue Velvet (1986) — creepy weirdo David Lynch (not again)

  97. Distant Voices, Still Lives (1988)

  98. Do the Right Thing (1989) — if you’re going to include a token black movie, I guess this it it

  99. GoodFellas (1990)

  100. Paris is Burning (1990)

  101. Daughters of the Dust (1991)

  102. Orlando (1992) — sort of interesting

  103. The Piano (1992)

  104. Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me (1992) — creepy weirdo David Lynch

  105. Pulp Fiction (1994) — recommended (with caveats)

  106. Heat (1995) — recommended (with caveats)

  107. Crash (1996)

  108. The Watermelon Woman (1997) — token black homosexual movie (two for one), bah

  109. Magnolia (1999) — PT Anderson, hard pass

  110. The Matrix (1999)

  111. As I Was Moving Ahead, Occasionally I Saw Brief Glimpses of Beauty (2000)

  112. Morvern Callar (2001) — incomprehensible without subtitles

  113. Mulholland Dr. (2001) — recommended

  114. There Will Be Blood (2007) — way way too long

  115. The Tree of Life (2010) — interminable navel gazing, Malick made one good movie

  116. Under the Skin (2013) — recommended

  117. Mad Max: Fury Road (2015) — recommended

  118. Moonlight (2016) — token black homosexual movie (two for one), bah

  119. Get Out (2017) — token black movie, bah

  120. Twin Peaks: The Return (2017) — creepy weirdo David lynch, bah

  121. Portrait of a Lady on Fire (2019) — Lesbians, bah

The Greatest Films of All Time (BFI Ranked) -- English Language Only

Added on by C. Maoxian.

The Greatest Films of All Time (Foreign language movies in italics) … 2022 poll … English Language Only … stupid ranking… see my Chronological Listing instead!

  1. Vertigo (1958)

  2. Citizen Kane (1941)

  3. 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)

  4. Mulholland Dr. (2001)

  5. SIngin’ in the Rain (1951)

  6. Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans (1927)

  7. The Godfather (1972)

  8. The Searchers (1956)

  9. Meshes of the Afternoon (1943)

  10. Apocalypse Now (1979)

  11. Do the Right Thing (1989)

  12. The Night of the Hunter (1955)

  13. Taxi Driver (1976)

  14. Portrait of a Lady on Fire (2019)

  15. Mirror (1975)

  16. Psycho (1960)

  17. City Lights (1931)

  18. Some Like It Hot (1959)

  19. Rear Window (1954)

  20. Killer of Sheep (1977)

  21. North by Northwest (1959)

  22. Barry Lyndon (1975)

  23. Wanda (1970)

  24. The Piano (1992)

  25. News from Home (1976)

  26. Blade Runner (1982)

  27. Sherlock Jr. (1924)

  28. The Apartment (1960)

  29. Moonlight (2016)

  30. Daughters of the Dust (1991)

  31. Casablanca (1942)

  32. GoodFellas (1990)

  33. The Third Man (1949)

  34. The Red Shoes (1948)

  35. Imitation of Life (1959)

  36. Sunset Blvd. (1950)

  37. Modern Times (1936)

  38. A Matter of Life and Death (1946)

  39. Blue Velvet (1986)

  40. The Shining (1980)

  41. Get Out (2017)

  42. The General (1926)

  43. Once Upon a Time in the West (1968)

  44. Rio Bravo (1958)

  45. Jaws (1975)

  46. The Godfather Part II (1974)

  47. The Wizard of Oz (1939)

  48. Touch of Evil (1958)

  49. The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance (1962)

  50. Bringing Up Baby (1938)

  51. To Be Or Not To Be (1942)

  52. A Woman under the Influence (1974)

  53. Nashville (1975)

  54. Don’t Look Now (1973)

  55. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974)

  56. The Thing (1982)

  57. There Will Be Blood (2007)

  58. The Matrix (1999)

  59. Johnny Guitar (1954)

  60. Only Angels Have Wings (1939)

  61. His Girl Friday (1939)

  62. Raging Bull (1980)

  63. Pulp Fiction (1994)

  64. Lawrence of Arabia (1962)

  65. Notorious (1946)

  66. It’s a Wonderful Life (1947)

  67. The Wild Bunch (1969)

  68. Trouble in Paradise (1932)

  69. All That Heaven Allows (1955)

  70. The Watermelon Woman (1997)

  71. Alien (1979)

  72. Chinatown (1974)

  73. Twin Peaks: The Return (2017)

  74. Days of Heaven (1978)

  75. Orlando (1992)

  76. Once upon a Time in America (1983)

  77. Out of the Past (1947)

  78. Symbiopyschotaxiplasm: Take One (1967)

  79. Heat (1995)

  80. Under the Skin (2013)

  81. Black Narcissus (1947)

  82. The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (1966)

  83. Letter from an Unknown Woman (1948)

  84. The Magnificent Ambersons (1942)

  85. Magnolia (1999)

  86. Greed (1923)

  87. Love Streams (1984)

  88. The River (1951)

  89. The Birds (1963)

  90. Paris, Texas (1984)

  91. Paris is Burning (1990)

  92. The Tree of Life (2010)

  93. Mad Max: Fury Road (2015)

  94. Dr. Strangelove or… (1963)

  95. Double Indemnity (1944)

  96. I Know Where I’m Going! (1945)

  97. Wavelength (1967)

  98. The Life and Death of Colonel Blimp (1943)

  99. Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)

  100. Pink Flamingos (1972)

  101. Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me (1992)

  102. The Deer Hunter (1978)

  103. In a Lonely Place (1950)

  104. Brief Encounter (1945)

  105. All about Eve (1950)

  106. Duck Soup (1933)

  107. Crash (1996)

  108. As I Was Moving Ahead, Occasionally I Saw Brief Glimpses of Beauty (2000)

  109. The Crowd (1928)

  110. Intolerance (1916)

  111. Star Wars (1977)

  112. Harlan County, USA (1976)

  113. Morvern Callar (2001)

  114. Distant Voices, Still Lives (1988)

  115. Videodrome (1983)

  116. A Canterbury Tale (1944)

  117. A Clockwork Orange (1971)

  118. My Darling Clementine (1946)

  119. Annie Hall (1977)

  120. Sullivan’s Travels (1941)

  121. Born in Flames (1983)

The Greatest Films of All Time (BFI Ranked)

Added on by C. Maoxian.

The Greatest Films of All Time (Foreign language movies in italics) … 2022 poll.

  1. Jeanne Dielman, 23 Quai du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles (1975)

  2. Vertigo (1958)

  3. Citizen Kane (1941)

  4. Tokyo Story (1953)

  5. In the Mood for Love (2000)

  6. 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)

  7. Beau Travail (1998)

  8. Mulholland Dr. (2001)

  9. Man with a Movie Camera (1929)

  10. SIngin’ in the Rain (1951)

  11. Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans (1927)

  12. The Godfather (1972)

  13. La Regle du jeu (1939)

  14. Cleo from 5 to 7 (1962)

  15. The Searchers (1956)

  16. Meshes of the Afternoon (1943)

  17. Close-up (1989)

  18. Persona (1966)

  19. Apocalypse Now (1979)

  20. Seven Samurai (1954)

  21. The Passion of Joan of Arc (1927)

  22. Late Spring (1949)

  23. Playtime (1967)

  24. Do the Right Thing (1989)

  25. Au hasard Balthazar (1966)

  26. The Night of the Hunter (1955)

  27. Shoah (1985)

  28. Daisies (1966)

  29. Taxi Driver (1976)

  30. Portrait of a Lady on Fire (2019)

  31. Mirror (1975)

  32. Psycho (1960)

  33. 8 1/2 (1963)

  34. L’atalante (1934)

  35. Pather Panchali (1955)

  36. City Lights (1931)

  37. M (1931)

  38. Some Like It Hot (1959)

  39. A bout de souffle (1960)

  40. Rear Window (1954)

  41. Bicycle Thieves (1948)

  42. Rashomon (1950)

  43. Killer of Sheep (1977)

  44. Stalker (1979)

  45. The Battle of Algiers (1966)

  46. North by Northwest (1959)

  47. Barry Lyndon (1975)

  48. Wanda (1970)

  49. Ordet (1955)

  50. The 400 Blows (1959)

  51. The Piano (1992)

  52. Fear Eats the Soul (1974)

  53. News from Home (1976)

  54. Blade Runner (1982)

  55. Battleship Potemkin (1925)

  56. Le Mepris (1963)

  57. Sherlock Jr. (1924)

  58. The Apartment (1960)

  59. Sans Soleil (1982)

  60. Moonlight (2016)

  61. La dolce vita (1960)

  62. Daughters of the Dust (1991)

  63. Casablanca (1942)

  64. GoodFellas (1990)

  65. The Third Man (1949)

  66. Touki Bouki (1973)

  67. The Gleaners and I (2000)

  68. La Jetee (1962)

  69. Andrei Rublev (1966)

  70. Metropolis (1927)

  71. The Red Shoes (1948)

  72. My Neighbour Totoro (1988)

  73. Journey to Italy (1954)

  74. L’avventura (1960)

  75. Imitation of Life (1959)

  76. Sansho the Bailiff (1954)

  77. Spirited Away (2001)

  78. Satantango (1994)

  79. A Brighter Summer Day (1991)

  80. Celine and Julie Go Bathing (1974)

  81. Sunset Blvd. (1950)

  82. Modern Times (1936)

  83. A Matter of Life and Death (1946)

  84. Histoire(s) du Cinema (1988)

  85. Pierrot le fou (1965)

  86. The Spirit of the Beehive (1973)

  87. Blue Velvet (1986)

  88. Chunking Express (1994)

  89. The Shining (1980)

  90. Madame de… (1953)

  91. The Leopard (1963)

  92. Ugetsu Monogatari (1953)

  93. Yi Yi (1999)

  94. Parasite (2019)

  95. Get Out (2017)

  96. Tropical Malady (2004)

  97. Black Girl (1965)

  98. The General (1926)

  99. A Man Escaped (1956)

  100. Once Upon a Time in the West (1968)

  101. Rio Bravo (1958)

  102. The House Is Black (1962)

  103. Vagabond (1985)

  104. La Maman et la Putain (1973)

  105. Come and See (1985)

  106. Jaws (1975)

  107. The Godfather Part II (1974)

  108. Goodbye, Dragon Inn (2003)

  109. The Wizard of Oz (1939)

  110. Wild Strawberries (1957)

  111. Touch of Evil (1958)

  112. The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance (1962)

  113. Bringing Up Baby (1938)

  114. To Be Or Not To Be (1942)

  115. A Woman under the Influence (1974)

  116. Nashville (1975)

  117. Don’t Look Now (1973)

  118. Aguirre, Wrath of God (1972)

  119. The Conformist (1970)

  120. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974)

  121. The Thing (1982)

  122. There Will Be Blood (2007)

  123. The Matrix (1999)

  124. The Colour of Pomegranates (1968)

  125. Johnny Guitar (1954)

  126. The Umbrellas of Cherbourg (1964)

  127. Only Angels Have Wings (1939)

  128. The Ascent (1976)

  129. Fanny and Alexander (1982)

  130. His Girl Friday (1939)

  131. Raging Bull (1980)

  132. Pulp Fiction (1994)

  133. Lawrence of Arabia (1962)

  134. Notorious (1946)

  135. It’s a Wonderful Life (1947)

  136. La cienaga (2001)

  137. Les Enfants du paradis (1945)

  138. The Wild Bunch (1969)

  139. Sambizanga (1972)

  140. Trouble in Paradise (1932)

  141. The Seventh Seal (1957)

  142. Pickpocket (1959)

  143. Partie de campagne (1936)

  144. All That Heaven Allows (1955)

  145. Gertrud (1964)

  146. The Watermelon Woman (1997)

  147. Vampyr (1932)

  148. Alien (1979)

  149. India Song (1975)

  150. La Grande Illusion (1937)

  151. Chinatown (1974)

  152. Twin Peaks: The Return (2017)

  153. West Indies: The Fugitive Slaves of Liberty (1979)

  154. Days of Heaven (1978)

  155. Meghe Dhaka Tara (1960)

  156. Le Bonheur (1965)

  157. West of the Tracks (2002)

  158. Orlando (1992)

  159. A City of Sadness (1989)

  160. All about My Mother (1999)

  161. Where Is the Friends’ House? (1987)

  162. The Gospel According to St. Matthew (1964)

  163. Once upon a Time in America (1983)

  164. Amarcord (1972)

  165. Vivre sa vie (1962)

  166. Out of the Past (1947)

  167. Ikiru (1952)

  168. Los olvidados (1950)

  169. Last Year at Marienbad (1961)

  170. L’Argent (1983)

  171. Un chien andalou (1928)

  172. Out 1 (1990)

  173. Symbiopyschotaxiplasm: Take One (1967)

  174. Heat (1995)

  175. Under the Skin (2013)

  176. The Exterminating Angel (1962)

  177. Memories of Underdevelopment (1968)

  178. Black Narcissus (1947)

  179. Red Desert (1964)

  180. The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (1966)

  181. Charulata (1964)

  182. Letter from an Unknown Woman (1948)

  183. Hiroshima mon amour (1959)

  184. The Magnificent Ambersons (1942)

  185. Magnolia (1999)

  186. Wings of Desire (1987)

  187. Pyaasa (1957)

  188. Ran (1985)

  189. Greed (1923)

  190. Love Streams (1984)

  191. An Autumn Afternoon (1962)

  192. The River (1951)

  193. The Birds (1963)

  194. Les Demoiselles de Rochefort (1967)

  195. Paris, Texas (1984)

  196. Paris is Burning (1990)

  197. The Headless Woman (2008)

  198. Uncle Boonmee Who Can Recall His Past Lives (2010)

  199. The Tree of Life (2010)

  200. Mad Max: Fury Road (2015)

  201. Zama (2017)

  202. Paisan (1946)

  203. Nosferatu (1922)

  204. One Way or Another (1977)

  205. Dr. Strangelove or… (1963)

  206. Double Indemnity (1944)

  207. L’eclisse (1962)

  208. I Know Where I’m Going! (1945)

  209. Wavelength (1967)

  210. The Life and Death of Colonel Blimp (1943)

  211. Limite (1931)

  212. Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)

  213. Pink Flamingos (1972)

  214. Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me (1992)

  215. Twenty Years Later (1984)

  216. Melancholia (2011)

  217. Army of Shadows (1969)

  218. The Deer Hunter (1978)

  219. In a Lonely Place (1950)

  220. Suspiria (1977)

  221. Brief Encounter (1945)

  222. All about Eve (1950)

  223. Duck Soup (1933)

  224. By the Bluest of Seas (1935)

  225. The Green Ray (1986)

  226. Grave of the Fireflies (1988)

  227. Blue (1993)

  228. Crash (1996)

  229. Happy Together (1997)

  230. Flowers of Shanghai (1998)

  231. As I Was Moving Ahead, Occasionally I Saw Brief Glimpses of Beauty (2000)

  232. Petite Maman (2021)

  233. Je, tu, il, elle (1974)

  234. A Touch of Zen (1969)

  235. The Crowd (1928)

  236. Napoleon (1927)

  237. Europa ‘51 (1952)

  238. The Hour of the Furnaces (1968)

  239. Intolerance (1916)

  240. Star Wars (1977)

  241. Cries and Whispers (1972)

  242. Harlan County, USA (1976)

  243. The Last Laugh (1924)

  244. The Quince Tree Sun (1992)

  245. Taste of Cherry (1997)

  246. Werckmeister Harmonies (2000)

  247. In Vanda’s Room (2000)

  248. Morvern Callar (2001)

  249. The Intruder (2004)

  250. Syndromes and a Century (2006)

  251. Nostalgia for the Light (2010)

  252. Distant Voices, Still Lives (1988)

  253. Soleil O (1970)

  254. Possession (1981)

  255. Videodrome (1983)

  256. A Canterbury Tale (1944)

  257. A Clockwork Orange (1971)

  258. Mouchette (1966)

  259. My Darling Clementine (1946)

  260. Earth (1930)

  261. Annie Hall (1977)

  262. Sullivan’s Travels (1941)

  263. Pandora’s Box (1928)

  264. Born in Flames (1983)

Movies Watched -- Memories of Murder (2003)

Added on by C. Maoxian.

In Korean. 131 minute running time … someone in my Discord group recommended this, but it didn’t grab me at all and I only watched 20 minute before going to fast forward … it was way way too long and was made by the same guy who made Parasite (which I hated) … nothing about Korean culture appeals to me, I don’t think I’ve seen a single Korean movie that I’ve ever liked. This is strange because I like dozens of Japanese and Chinese movies.

I think it fell out.

National Securities Exchanges

Added on by C. Maoxian.

National Securities Exchanges

  • BOX Exchange LLC (BOX)

    • Formerly BOX Options Exchange LLC

  • Cboe BYX Exchange, Inc. (CboeBYX)

    • Formerly Bats BYX Exchange, Inc. (BatsBYX)

    • Formerly BATS Y-Exchange (BYX)

  • Cboe BZX Exchange, Inc. (CboeBZX)

    • Formerly Bats BZX Exchange, Inc. (BatsBZX)

    • Formerly BATS Exchange (BATS)

  • Cboe C2 Exchange, Inc. (C2)

  • Cboe EDGA Exchange, Inc. (CboeEDGA)

    • Formerly Bats EDGA Exchange, Inc. (BatsEDGA)

    • Formerly EDGA Exchange (EDGA)

  • Cboe EDGX Exchange, Inc. (CboeEDGX)

    • Formerly Bats EDGX Exchange, Inc. (BatsEDGX)

    • Formerly EDGX Exchange (EDGX)

  • Cboe Exchange, Inc. (CBOE)

  • Investors Exchange LLC (IEX)

  • Long-Term Stock Exchange, Inc. (LTSE)


  • Miami International Securities Exchange, LLC (MIAX)

  • MIAX Emerald, LLC (EMERALD)


  • Nasdaq BX, Inc. (BX)

    • Formerly NASDAQ OMX BX

    • Formerly Boston Stock Exchange (BSE)

  • Nasdaq GEMX, LLC (GEMX)

    • Formerly ISE Gemini (ISEGemini)

    • Formerly Topaz Exchange (Topaz)

  • Nasdaq ISE, LLC (ISE)

    • Formerly International Securities Exchange

  • Nasdaq MRX, LLC (MRX)

    • Formerly ISE Mercury (ISEMercury)

  • Nasdaq PHLX LLC (Phlx)

    • Formerly NASDAQ OMX PHLX

  • The Nasdaq Stock Market LLC (NASDAQ)

  • New York Stock Exchange LLC (NYSE)

  • NYSE Arca, Inc. (NYSEARCA)

  • NYSE American LLC (NYSEAMER)

    • Formerly NYSE MKT (NYSEMKT)

    • Formerly NYSE Amex (NYSEAmex)

    • Formerly NYSE Alternext US (NYSEALTR)

    • Formerly American Stock Exchange (Amex)

  • NYSE Chicago, Inc. (NYSECHX)

    • Formerly Chicago Stock Exchange, Inc. (CHX)

  • NYSE National, Inc. (NYSENAT)

    • Formerly National Stock Exchange (NSX)

America has spaghetti bowl stock market… it’s a disgrace.

Movies Watched -- My Little Sister (2020)

Added on by C. Maoxian.

In German. 99 minute running time. Terminal illness movie, what was I thinking?!? Yes, John Farr recommended it (probably because Lars Eidinger’s character is a homosexual), but I should have known better. I did make it 20 minutes in before going to fast forward. Depressing and who wants to see these bourgeois Swiss people and their first-world problems? I sure don’t.
