Movies Watched -- Fox and His Friends (1975)

Added on by C. Maoxian.

In German. 123 minute running time so 23 minutes too long. Another Fassbinder film. Sort of you’ve seen one, you’ve seen ‘em all, except he (and his Big Johnson) stars in this one. Variations on his blinding hatred of bourgeois German society as well as German gay culture, or maybe all gay culture (Fassbinder was gay), and why not include all of humanity in there as completely loathsome and unredeemable. Fassbinder is very good at playing a naive prole.

People call him a genius and I have to sort of agree, I do like his schtick, but this is not general audience stuff, this is highbrow, art house stuff for sophisticates like me. I’ll give a blanket green-go to all the movies Fassbinder made (at least the ones I’ve seen so far), as does John Farr.

Movies Watched -- Marathon Man (1976)

Added on by C. Maoxian.

125 minute running time so 25 minutes too long … yes, the performances by Hoffman and Olivier and Scheider are good, but the story makes no sense. Why would Levy’s father and brother be involved with Der Weisse Engel? That part made no sense to me and sort of ruined the movie.

But I suppose it’s a green-go despite the lack of “plot logic,” maybe for the dental torture scene alone. It’s another in the gritty-70s-Manhattan series of movies … oddly the World Trade Center doesn’t appear in a shot of southern Manhattan, so they must have used old stock footage there? Hoffman din’t like the original ending where he kills Olivier, so they brought in Robert Towne to re-write the ending where Olivier impales himself, which I do think is better. This is a John Farr recommendation.

Is it safe?

Zippo 2024 Collectible of the Year No. 46026

Added on by C. Maoxian.

$150. I’ve never been a fan of the Venetian pattern and won’t be getting this one. Black matte finish is nice though. I’m wondering which was “the very first Deep Carve design unveiled in 2004.” Shilly-Shally came out in 2003, but I guess that wasn’t truly Deep Carve? Maybe they mean Carved Elegance No. 20757 and Carved Columns No. 20771, both of which came out in 2004 (pdf).

“The 2024 Collectible of the Year celebrates three Zippo milestones in an incredible display of artistry. Introduced as the Florentine in 1974, the iconic Venetian® pattern swirls on all sides of the Armor® case with our Laser Engrave process. The ornate design stands in gorgeous contrast to the Black Matte finish, which made its debut in 1984, while the Zippo icon is nestled among diagonal MultiCut pinstripes in an ode to the very first Deep Carve design unveiled in 2004.”

Movies Watched -- Witness (1985)

Added on by C. Maoxian.

112 minute running time and I definitely could have cut out 12 minutes to make the sacred 100 minute mark, but this is a great movie, a classic from my youth, green-go for sure. Aragorn son of Arathorn puts in an appearance and Danny Glover is a bad mofo, but never fear, since this is an 80s movie, all the black men are killed off by the end. John Farr recommends this movie and I do too!

One of the greatest come-hither looks of all time…

Movies Watched -- The Taking of Pelham One Two Three (1974)

Added on by C. Maoxian.

124 minute running time but doesn’t feel overly long because it’s so much fun … works as both a comedy and a thriller … it’s hilarious but also serious with the grime of early 1970s New Yawk and the violence and horrific killing … helped hugely that Matthau was a native New Yorker. This is a green-go, one of the best thriller-comedies of all time. John Farr also recommends it.

Thank you for a most instructive visit, Lieutenant.

Movies Watched -- Brother (1997)

Added on by C. Maoxian.

In Russian. 96 minute running time so the perfect length. I really enjoyed Balabanov’s “Cargo 200” (enjoy may not be the right word, I was astonished by it) … this one was more comical, Russia in the 1990s was a terrifying place (and still is, I guess) … I probably didn’t get one tenth of the humor since I don’t know the Russian language, but I’m sure it’s hilarious. I thank John Farr for the recommendation.

I know that Danila is often reproached for being primitive, simple and inarticulate. And in part, I agree with that. But a metaphor connected with him forms in my mind: I imagine people in a primitive chaos, who sit in their cave before the fire and do not understand anything else in their life except for the responsibility to eat and to reproduce. And suddenly one of them stands up and utters very simple words about how it is necessary to stand up for their friends, to respect women, to defend one's brother.” -- Bodrov

Stephen Holden on “sleepy-eyed dolt” Danila…”In the movie's most cynical joke, he emerges as both the most deadly and the most morally consistent character in a world where loyalty counts for little and brute force rules.

We’re going to wipe the smiles off all your f***ing faces

Movies Watched -- Sister My Sister (1995)

Added on by C. Maoxian.

86 minute running time so a good length… this wasn’t bad, I’m glad I saw it, but it’s not good enough to get a green-go. John Farr recommended it. A tough movie to find given the themes of incest and lesbianism and murder … Actress Julie Walters steals the show though, had me falling out of my chair laughing.

Simply Sisterly Love [heavy handed foreshadowing with the bars]

Movies Watched -- Corsage (2022)

Added on by C. Maoxian.

In German. 114 minute running time so at least 14 minutes too long. I have no idea what this was about… life as a 19th century Austrian Empress, I guess… tough life, in its own way. This was a John Farr reco, but I wasn’t thrilled with it.

du Arschloch

Movies Watched -- The Conversation (1974)

Added on by C. Maoxian.

113 minute running time so about 13 minutes too long, but this is a classic, a green-go for sure. FIFTY years ago, this year, this film was made! Wiretapping, invasion of privacy, paranoia … talk about being ahead of its time. Fatty Ford Coppola was a great director. Gorgeous Harrison Ford in his early 30s and 29-year-old Teri Garr… Bobby Duval, uncredited. Of course John Farr recommends this movie too. Maybe cut out the smashing of the Virgin Mary figurine as a little too heavy handed? I might be able to cut this down to 100 minutes.

I just want a nice fat recording.