Movies Watched -- The Illusionist (2006)

Added on by C. Maoxian.

110 minute running time so 10 minutes too long, but I enjoyed this one, green-go. It stars Eddie Norton and his lisp, Paul Giamatti and his pimply forehead, and Jessica Biel and her great bones. I fell in love with Biel because of Season One of The Sinner. She’s both smart and beautiful, a rare combo in Hollywood.

Anyway, this is a fun story, well told. I had heard nothing about this movie, so went in with no expectations, which is always best. John Farr recommends it too.

Movies Watched -- The Fugitive (1993)

Added on by C. Maoxian.

130 minute running time so 30 minutes too long … 90s action movie, bus crash, train crash, dam dive, helicopters, subway fights, one-armed men, evil Big Pharma, Ralph “Who-are” Cifaretto, Tommy Lee Jones playing a jerk, which he does naturally … some nicely done twists, but this was just too damn long. John Farr recommended this one: “Over two three decades after its initial release, it's worth another peek if you haven't seen it since. As to first-timers — well, it'd be a crime to miss it.” Nah, you can miss it.


Movies Watched -- Basic Instinct (1992)

Added on by C. Maoxian.

128 minute running time so 28 minutes too long … as if Hitchcock had made a soft-core porn thriller … this movie made a 22-year-old boy I know pretty horny at the time, but it just makes me laugh now … Verhoeven really went to town with all the Hitchcock stuff, the music, San Francisco, the blonde, the brunette, the rivalry, etc. Gorgeous police shrink has fake eyeglasses, Newman as D.A. in the classic leg-crossing scene, black and white Lotus Esprits (see why we had that poster of a red one on the bedroom wall?), lesbian love (super risqué in 1992), Lieutenant sniffs Douglas’s gun after the I.A. guy is shot (big laugh), no way a cop could afford that apartment in S.F., even in the early 1990s, lots of mentions of cocaine, Pizza Hut box for product placement, Michael Douglas age 48 in da club wearing a V-neck sweater with nothing underneath (another big laugh), Miss Crawford County, Pennsylvania’s bod still good at age 34, Douglas beat the hell out of that Mustang driving it up those S.F. steps, and he’s just fine after being hit by a car and then backed over … “magna cum laude pussy” (another big laugh), “She’s evil! She’s brilliant!” (another big laugh). Michael Douglas has a fantastic smoker’s voice, so much so that I think he got throat cancer (let me google that), so yeah, this is a classic in many ways (but not a John Farr reco). It’s way too long and dumb to get a green-go, though it’s good for laughs 30 years after the fact, and should be seen for nostalgia reasons.

Exactly what do you have in mind, Newman?.

Movies Watched -- Mystic River (2003)

Added on by C. Maoxian.

138 minute running time so 40 minutes too long … cellphones fairly new in 2003 and smartphones non-existent … Terrible fake Boston accents throughout … Sean Penn is sort of a so-so actor, I don’t know why he’s showered with praise, and he even won an Oscar for this?!? Give me a break. Big goofball Tim Robbins as best supporting actor a little more believable, but nah … hated the ending of this with Laura Linney saying her husband was a king and they’d rule this town, it’s just so dumb, cut all that out. Also cut out the storyline of Kevin Bacon and his silent wife, and cut out Dave’s wife losing her mind at the end, becoming a mumbling village idiot … the story is basically good (Dennis Lehane), abduction, trauma, childhood bonds, damaged adults, could he be a killer etc., but the movie was way too long and the acting was lame, Clint Eastwood needs a firm editor. John Farr recommended this but I sure wouldn’t.

Movies Watched -- The Hand That Rocks the Cradle (1992)

Added on by C. Maoxian.

110 minute running time so ideally I could have cut out about 10 minutes, but I thought this movie was GREAT and I enjoyed every minute of it … I have no idea how it got into my queue, it’s not a John Farr recommendation, but I’m glad that it did … it’s a green-go for sure. Good story, well written, good acting, attractive people … loved it. Bitchy Julianne Moore with her bob cut smoking up a storm and driving a big Beemer. Surprised that I’ve never heard of this movie before.

Don’t f*ck with me, retard.

Movies Watched -- Gosford Park (2001)

Added on by C. Maoxian.

137 minute running time which means FORTY minutes too long, can you imagine sitting through all of this? It was like a full-employment act movie for old fogey British actors… I was very pleased to see Emily Watson though, who astonished me in Breaking the Waves (a great movie), and there was Kelly Macdonald, who is a brilliant actress … I can’t stand these Upstairs Downstairs period dramas… but John Farr liked it (predictably).

Movies Watched -- Body Heat (1981)

Added on by C. Maoxian.

113 minute running time so 13 minutes too long, but this was good, a green-go for sure. Alan Ladd had the good sense to underwrite Larry Kasdan in his first W.D. By movie … William Hurt with his 70s porn ‘stache, young Ted Danson with black hair … good dialogue, well written, film noir brought into the 80s … Hurt drives a ‘64 Corvette Sting Ray convertible … and I think Mary Ann Simpson drives a TR6, but I couldn’t really tell … lots of smokin’ and drinkin’ … “Please, Ned, do it.” He doesn’t ask, “Are you sure?” like I would have, ruining more than the movie … jogging and smoking, Pete Suttmeier style … young Mickey Rourke with earring (non fag ear) … look at the size of the rock that crooked bastard bought her … good story, well told, I enjoyed it though I definitely could have shaved 10 minutes off … John Farr recommends it too.

I can't stand the thought of him... He's small and mean... and weak.

Movies Watched -- Crash (1996)

Added on by C. Maoxian.

99 minute running time … weird, ridiculous, perverse, dumb… I have no idea how this ended up in my queue, it is NOT a John Farr recommendation. I don’t know anything about Cronenberg or Ballard, but this was just bad … oh, I remember now, Jessica Kiang loved this movie, which makes me wonder about her. Don’t see this, run away, er, drive away… two thumbs down.

Poor little Miata sacrificed for this terrible movie

Movies Watched -- Deliverance (1972)

Added on by C. Maoxian.

109 minute running to so 10 to 20 minutes too long … this is a classic though which everyone should see for the “squeal” scene alone, green-go … gorgeous Burt Reynolds may have been the sexiest man alive at age 35 and there’s young Jon Voight (Angie’s dad, talk about a nepo baby) … a “game of survival” in Northern Georgia, that’s southern Appalachia… John Farr also recommends this.

Where’s the law?