Kyce was playing competitive Fortnight
Found trading at age 18
Has a southern accent, mild enough to be North Carolinan?
Joined buddies trading halfway through 2020
Has three brothers, plays competitive soccer
Parents expected all As, otherwise gave him a lot of freedom
Two older brothers
Tried eBay re-selling biz, failed
Tried dropshipping store in high school, failed
Tried math tutoring, also failed
Trading is the highest skill gap game out there
Keeps up with original trading group, a couple still trade 5 6 7 years later
"Great dudes"
Read Mark Minervini books
Went heavily into Reddit and Twitter, thinks TWTR best for finding real traders
Went to college for a year and half, online
Halfway through 2021 went back to in-person school, went one semester
Studied engineering, missed trading, dropped out
Went full time trading start of 2022
March April 2022 first profitable months, $1K-$2K a month
Keep size small when you start
Journaling the most important thing
"Mistake tracking"
Focused only on the losing trades at end of month
"No trading under VWAP"
"No trading first 15 minutes"
"No trading low volume stocks"
Every month he would add a new rule to eliminate losses
Profit factor went from 1 to 3 over the course of the year 2022
He's long only and small caps only
Scalps last 5 to 30 minutes
2024 has added discretionary swings on the side
2022 never traded pennies
2023 added pennies back slowly
2024 also trades pennies and stocks over $10
2024 can comfortably scalp while spending more time on swing ideas
GME personal record trade in June 2024, got long June 4 and added June 5
GME sold into the parabolic move on June 6, 2024, then re-longed it sold most AH in $60s
You have to be OK with missing trades
Wakes up just before open, lets dust settle, then looks for plays with volume
Works out, stays active, all routines he follows
TradeIdeas is essential, a huge tool
Use ThinkOrSwim's scanner if you can't afford TradeIdeas
Real edge is being discussed on Twitter if you filter out nonsense
Not a rigid weekly or monthly "mistake tracking" session now, but he still looks over things
He finds a tilt trade or two and will force self memorize the chart of worst trades
Writing things down helped him a lot
2022 2023 wrote a lot on daytrading subreddit
He is a long only discretionary scalper
Always have a max loss... 20-30 average green day number, double or triple it = max loss
Could only lose 2 or 3 ave green days before locking self out, used self control to stop trading
Trusts his mental stops
Red day meant half size the next day
A drawdown feels like the world is ending
Size down and take it slow
Does NOT have a broker max loss
Fear and shame keeps him from disrespecting his max loss
Need to address underlying issues if you need broker max loss
Sizing up he has written about on Reddit
Sizing up is very individual... has to do with your mind/subconscious
You will naturally get more comfortable in small steps
Sizing should not be robotic, you have to feel good emotionally, risk your "profits"
His greatest strength is patience
Best advice: start small!
You should quit trading if you are considering quitting, quit and reset
Trading IS a get rich quick scheme
Don't get grass is greener syndrome
He is staying the course
Don't DM him, DMs are flooded with bots now, just message him on Twitter
kycefn Twitter
kycefn Reddit