Birgitte wins again ... decency and intelligence prevail, but only on Danish television.
Filtering by Tag: borgen
Borgen S02 E09
Thorsen ... looks sort of like Darth Cheney but less evil.
Borgen S02 E08
Laura, in order to cope with gawky teenage years, is now popping Happy Pills, or pretending to anyway.
Borgen S02 E07
Cross-eyed Amir, the only employed Muslim in Denmark?
Borgen S02 E06
Svend Åge Saltum, representing the rednecks, I suppose... a kind of Danish Tea Partier?
Borgen S02 E05
Neils Erik ... Permanent Secretary ... highest ranking civil servant ... still has the job no matter who the Prime Minister is ... loyal to current master only?
Borgen S02 E04
Kim: driver, handyman, casual lover and ... liability.
Borgen S02 E03
Marrot, the last worker in the Worker's Party (tattoo thankfully hidden). Not a fancy pants like Birgitte or closeted pansy Troels Höx.
Borgen S02 E02
Laugesen, handsome thin bastard with a great-fitting jacket. Pure evil.
Borgen S02 E01
Magnus, bed-wetter, and possible Minecraft addict (I've seen that look before). Little Rory McIlroy?