Jens ... works on managing his anger every day, he says.
Filtering by Tag: bron
Bron S01 E09
August, Martin's oldest boy. Yet another Millennial layabout.
Bron S01 E08
Obviously not a suspect #2. But he is a maker of abusive porn using homeless women ... I said this was a dark show, didn't I?
Bron S01 E07
Carmen Soprano, er, Mette Rohde, throws old Tony, er, Martin out (temporarily) for following his nature with manly wig-wearer, Charlotte Söringer.
Bron S01 E06
Daniel Ferbé, detestable tabloid journalist and pill popper. Here he is back from the dead, though he forgot to return their coat.
Bron S01 E05
Stefan Lindberg, obviously not a suspect #1.
Bron S01 E04
Another troubled teen ... even features, clear skin, healthy hair ... not the usual runaway.
Bron S01 E03
Hans, Saga's boss ... this show is so dark I may have to take it only in small doses ... but will soldier on.
Bron S01 E02
Tony Soprano, now with the Copenhagen police force:
Bron S01 E01
She may prove too annoying to continue with this show, but will keep watching for now.
The socially maladjusted angel.