
Added on by C. Maoxian.

Celeste with Lately … I love almost everything Gotts Street Park does .. she has a great voice.

Movies Watched -- Transit (2018)

Added on by C. Maoxian.

In German and French … 101 minute running time … I liked the gimmick of putting a period story (Jews escaping Nazi Germany) in the modern world (with no cell phones or CCTV cameras, of course!), that was clever, and the story wasn’t bad, but ultimately I wasn’t super thrilled with this and can’t recommend it, though I appreciate that John Farr did. In the old days I’d give it a “yellow” rating, which meant consider seeing it. Not red not green.

Mr. and Mrs. Weidel

Gabriels Blame

Added on by C. Maoxian.

Gabriels – Blame .. I dig it. I’m not a captive in the spare bedroom if it’s where I want to be…

Movies Watched -- Sin Nombre (2009)

Added on by C. Maoxian.

96 minute running time … this was another John Farr reco … it was made by that half Japanese guy, Fukusomebody, who made a bunch of True Detective episodes and who was later dogged by sex abuse allegations … anyway this movie was about the trek Guatemalan illegals make through Mexico to get to the US, and Mexican street gangs, and an unlikely and contrived romance … it wasn’t terrible, but it also wasn’t good enough for ME to recommend. The tattooed Mexican street gang guys look pretty terrifying, but I guess that’s the point.

Traveling with el diablo

Movies Watched -- The Double Hour (2009)

Added on by C. Maoxian.

In Italian. 96 minute running time. This was a John Farr reco and while it wasn’t bad, it also wasn’t good enough for ME to recommend. Hard one to say anything about without spoiling it … could benefit from a re-watch, putting the pieces together, sort of like Memento. Wasn’t bad though, and that’s an accomplishment these days.

… perhaps the mind stays active, it shuffles the deck, superimposes memories, perceptions, places, faces.