ABN AMRO Clearing USA LLC (Dutch — Algemene Bank Nederland, Amsterdamsche en Rotterdamsche Bank)
ATM Execution LLC (Algorithmic Trading Management … Cowen)
Alpha Trading L.P. (HERZLIYA PITUACH, 4672528 ISRAEL)
BGC Financial, L.P. (Bernard Gerald Cantor?) (Howard Lutnick)
BMO Capital Markets Corp. (Bank of Montreal)
BNP Paribas Securities Corp. (Banque Nationale de Paris)
BTIG, LLC (Baypoint Trading International Group?)
Bay Crest Partners, LLC (Kazahkstan, Freedom Holding Corp., Timur Turlov)
BofA Securities, Inc. (Bank of America)
Bolt-X LLC
C&C Trading, L.L.C. (Robert Cohen and Robert Cocchi)
CBOE Trading, Inc. (Chicago Board Options Exchange)
CF Global Trading, LLC (Scott Chace and Robert Fleming … CF)
CIBC World Markets Corp. (Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce)
CLSA Americas, LLC (Credit Lyonnais Securities Asia)
DRW Execution Services, LLC (Donald R. Wilson)
DRW Securities, LLC (Donald R. Wilson)
Flow Traders U.S. LLC (Dutch)
G1 Execution Services, LLC
GFI Securities LLC (Division of BGC, see above)
GTS Securities LLC (Ari Rubenstein)
Global Execution Brokers, LP (Susquehanna International Group)
HAP Trading, LLC (Harsh A. Padia)
HRT Execution Services LLC (Hudson River Trading)
HRT Financial LP (Hudson River Trading)
HSBC Securities (USA) Inc. (Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation)
IEX Services LLC (Investors Exchange)
IMC Chicago, LLC (Dutch — International Marketmaker’s Combination)
Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Financial Services LLC
Latour Trading LLC (Tower Research Capital)
National Financial Services LLC (Fidelity Management & Research, Boston)
RBC CMA LLC (Royal Bank of Canada)
RBC Capital Markets, LLC (Royal Bank of Canada)
RQD* Clearing, LLC (RQD apparently means “required” … dumb name, geez)
SG Americas Securities, LLC (France — Societe Generale)
SMBC Nikko Securities America, Inc. (Japan — Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation)
Safra Securities LLC (Joseph Safra)
Scotia Capital (USA) Inc. (Canada)
TJM Investments, LLC (broken website)
TRC Markets LLC (Tower Research Capital)
TradeUp Securities, Inc. (China — UP Fintech Holding Limited, $TIGR)
Tradebot Systems, Inc. (Dave Cummings)
Wall Street Access (Denis P. Kelleher)
Williams Trading, LLC (David Williams)
Movies Watched -- Raise the Red Lantern (1991)
In Mandarin Chinese. 125 minute running time which I’d normally say is 25 minutes too long, but I loved this movie and have seen it many times… Zhang Yimou may have been at his peak here and he had a real star in Gong Li … this is so beautifully shot. I was an exchange student in China in 1991 so I have a special connection to this movie. This is a green-go. John Farr recommends it too.
NYSE Chicago Membership List
Alpha Trading L.P. (HERZLIYA PITUACH, 4672528 ISRAEL)
BMO Capital Markets Corp. (Bank of Montreal)
BNP Paribas Securities Corp. (Banque Nationale de Paris)
Bright Trading, LLC (Bob Bright)
DRW Execution Services, LLC (Donald R. Wilson)
DRW Securities, LLC (Donald R. Wilson)
GTS Securities LLC (Ari Rubenstein)
Global Execution Brokers, LP (Susquehanna International Group)
HRT Financial LP (Hudson River Trading)
Headlands Technologies Securities, LLC (Matthew Andresen, Island ECN, Citadel)
IEX Services LLC (Investors Exchange)
Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Financial Services LLC
JAG Trading L.L.C. (Craig Evan Bauer)
Libucki & Co., LLC (Deborah Ann Libucki)
RBC Capital Markets, LLC (Royal Bank of Canada)
SG Americas Securities, LLC (Societe Generale)
SRT Securities LLC (Stephen Rory Tobias founded I.A. Englander with Israel Englander in 1977)
Scotia Capital (USA) Inc. (Canada)
Tradebot Systems, Inc. (Dave Cummings)
NYSE American Membership List
ATM Execution LLC (Cowen)
Alpha Trading L.P. (HERZLIYA PITUACH, 4672528 ISRAEL)
BCS Americas, Inc. (Russia, BrokerCreditService originally)
BMO Capital Markets Corp. (Bank of Montreal)
BNP Paribas Securities Corp. (Banque Nationale de Paris)
Bay Crest Partners, LLC (Kazahkstan, Freedom Holding Corp., Timur Turlov)
Bolt-X LLC
CBOE Trading, Inc. (Chicago Board Options Exchange)
CIBC World Markets Corp. (Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce)
CLSA Americas, LLC (Credit Lyonnais Securities Asia)
DRW Execution Services, LLC (Donald R. Wilson)
DRW Securities, LLC (Donald R. Wilson)
E&J Securities Corp. (Edward Michael Curran)
Ferretti Group, Inc. (Stephen Ferretti)
Flow Traders U.S. LLC (Dutch)
GTS Securities LLC (Ari Rubenstein)
HRT Financial LP (Hudson River Trading)
HSBC Securities (USA) Inc. (Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation)
Hamershlag Sulzberger Borg Capital Markets, Inc.
IEX Services LLC (Investors Exchange)
IMC Chicago, LLC (Dutch — International Marketmaker’s Combination)
ING Financial Markets LLC (Dutch — Internationale Nederlanden Groep)
Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Financial Services LLC
Latour Trading LLC (Tower Research Capital)
National Financial Services LLC (Fidelity Management & Research, Boston)
Quattro M Securities Inc. (Eugene Mauro)
RBC Capital Markets, LLC (Royal Bank of Canada)
Rosenblatt Securities Inc. (Richard Rosenblatt)
SG Americas Securities, LLC (Societe Generale)
SIG Brokerage, LP (Susquehanna International Group)
Santander US Capital Markets LLC (Spain — Banco Santander)
Scotia Capital (USA) Inc. (Canada)
Seaport Securities Corp. (Theodore P. Weisberg)
TJM Investments, LLC (broken website)
TP ICAP Global Markets Americas LLC (Tullett Prebon Intercapital)
TRC Markets LLC (Tower Research Capital)
Tigress Financial Partners, LLC (Cynthia DiBartolo)
TradeMas Inc. (Frank T. Masiello)
TradeUp Securities, Inc. (China — UP Fintech Holding Limited, $TIGR)
Tradebot Systems, Inc. (Dave Cummings)
Wall Street Access (Denis P. Kelleher)
NYSE National Membership List
DRW Securities, LLC (Donald R. Wilson)
Global Execution Brokers, LP (Susquehanna International Group)
Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Financial Services LLC
Latour Trading LLC (Tower Research Capital)
TRC Markets LLC (Tower Research Capital)
Order Routing Destinations
Registered Firms Dealing in Securities in The Bahamas
Updated List, May 2024:
Dartley Securities Limited
Deltec Securites Ltd.
FirstCaribbean International Trust Company (Bahamas) Limited
Lydda Capital Ltd.
Mosaic Financial Ltd.
Palm Global Capital Ltd (Formerly Destek Global Limited)
Toredo Ltd.
WG Capital Ltd. (GENG, Wen)
Movies Watched -- The Gift (2015)
108 minute running time so just 8 minutes too long, but I liked this one a lot… it was a re-watch for me. A W.D.S. By Movie (written, directed, and starring the same guy) … Edgerton is a talented Australian and the beautiful Rebecca Hall is British … American Jason Bateman plays a great scumbag yuppie … this was well-made and a good thriller. Green-go! John Farr recommends it too.
And I want to make crazy, weird love to you, with my creepy, with my creepy little pee-pee pleasey-weasy.
Movies Watch -- Petite Maman (2021)
In French. 72 minute running time. It's sort of interesting, a nice idea, maybe too precious though. I didn't hate it, but I also don't recommend it.
Movies Watched -- Zone of Interest (2023)
In German. 105 minute running time so a good length. I really liked Glazer’s previous movies, Sexy Beast and Under the Skin, so I was excited to see this Holocaust movie centered on the commandant of Auschwitz and his family. Unfortunately it didn’t work, it was too abstracted, too art-house.
Yes, I know Glazer wanted to keep the violence off screen and just hint at it with constant background gunshots and yelling and trains chugging and furnaces roaring and chimneys billowing smoke. But that got repetitive and quickly lost its effect.
Anyone who has seen Son of Saul knows that that was a Holocaust movie done the right way … it is breathtaking and a must-see. Zone of Interest can’t hold a candle to it.
Mick LaSalle was right to say: “it’s less a movie than a misguided work of conceptual art.”
Dick Brody correctly called Zone of Interest “an extreme form of Holokitsch.”
I agree with Manohla Dargis who says the movie is “a hollow, self-aggrandizing art-film exercise.”
And I’ll give the final word to Nicolas Rapold: “It must be said that the banality of the Höss family and the bureaucracy of genocide are no revelation, and there’s something wrongheaded in Glazer’s cold replication of their murderous perspective and peekaboo roundabout glimpses of the Nazi atrocity.”
I could have my husband spread your ashes across the fields of Babice.