Stock du Jour -- POAI

Added on by C. Maoxian.

UPDATE: #whocoulanode

This thing dinged below $1.50 in the pre-market so any blind short getting in there would be in trouble… the RTH ding was much better… I fumbled my way in at the open, totally screwing up my entry with a terrible average, then of course it JRUTian rotated back up to pick off the highs, so my average looked even more horrific after that … anyway it reversed and went down a ton and I was bailed out.

Since it gapped up 138% the Opening Print Boyz were all in there with their 30% or 40% stahps. OPB is just a variation on Blind Shorting that I never look at.

I paid $228 for 19,000 shares. Don’t ask any contrasting facial hair gurus how much they paid for borrow (they won’t know because they don’t actually trade).

Stock du Jour -- DRMA

Added on by C. Maoxian.

DRaMA dinged yesterday and gave good profits into the EOD (end of day) close, but woe to those who swung it. Nano float (sub million) so they can do whatever they want with it… including running it over 300% before 6AM … bot dings just above $2 would have been bad, but I was fast asleep and don’t have an HTB (hard-to-borrow) bot. It gave a good ding at the RTH (regular trading hours) open, but I missed it. Too bad since it would have been a huge winner.

There were 11 dings pre-open (including two cheapies) and another 7 dings in RTH (including cheapies), so that’s 18 dings on the day. Sticking $5,000 in each play, you’d have $90,000 at risk, which seems like plenty. Here’s a table of all 18 dings with the new PM High Fade and RTH High Fade columns. You can see that it was another crazy profitable day for the blind shorts.

Why Dollar Stores Are Struggling

Added on by C. Maoxian.

I like this Wall Street Millennial kid’s videos:

I’ve never been inside a Dollar General, but I’m a shareholder (who is losing money in it and will take the loss at the end of the calendar year)… no vegetables or fruit in dollar stores, I imagine? 30% gross margins the result of ripping off dumb, poor people who don’t realize they’re overpaying….

of course shopping at dollar stores will just make your financial situation worse….

How to Create Custom Columns in TradeIdeas for Fade from High Percentage

Added on by C. Maoxian.

I noticed that Kris Verma had two custom columns in his TradeIdeas window here:

I appealed to members of my Discord chat for the custom code that creates them and “Stonaphile” came through. Thanks, Stonaphile!

This is for the fade from the pre-market high percentage:


And this is for the fade from the regular trading hours high percentage:


Let me know if you have any trouble implementing it…

First-rate Intelligence

Added on by C. Maoxian.

Sideline Sinology, by Peter Hessler

I was too old for this. By the summer of 2021, I had had enough of conversations, public or private, about my possible prejudices, fears, visa status, perceived espionage activities, understanding of Karl Marx, and supposed similarities with various apologists for various atrocities throughout modern history.

Interesting piece. I’m glad we got out of Chynar when we did (July 2015). We lived there during a golden age, in hindsight, before the rise of the New Authoritarianism, a.k.a., Mao With Money.

Stock du Jour -- SLRX

Added on by C. Maoxian.

This nano float thing dinged in RTH (regular trading hours) below $2 so I shorted it, then it went up 360% and I lost $111,470 (plus borrow fees), so I got angry and revenge re-shorted it with three times as much size, just like any pro trader would do, then I scared myself with my position size, which was truly stupid, and covered a lot of it so I wasn’t so uncomfortable, but of course it went straight down and I should have held onto all of it, but it’s one mistake after another when you’re trading on pure emotion, which is how every true pro trades. I ended up making half the loss back on my reasonably sized short from the $5s.

There were a lot of plays today, so I had enough other profitable trades for once to offset all of the mega loss (unlike yesterday where my mega loss in MIRA was NOT offset at all) and actually make money on the day. The whole point of blind shorting is taking advantage of the law of large numbers. If I had somehow avoided the SLRX squeeze, it would have been a big day, but I didn’t so it wasn’t.

There were 17 RTH dings for me today to short, and my buddies told me to start shorting cheapies, which I never do, but that would have been another five winners today if I had, so I’ll start shorting cheapies tomorrow and let you know how it goes.

How To Change the Email Address in Your Squarespace Contact Form

Added on by C. Maoxian.

First navigate to /config/pages then find your contact page in the left sidebar and click on it. When the page appears in the main window (to the right of the sidebar), hover over the contact form until EDIT appears at the top, then click on EDIT:

Next hover over the top left of the contact form itself until the word FORM appears, then click on the word FORM and a Pen and Trash can appear. Click on the Pen (Edit) and a pop-up will appear to the right of the form.

On the pop-up, there are three tabs: Content, Design, and Storage. Click on the the storage tab to find and change your email notification address:

Hope that helps!

Coding Jesus Explains Order Entry Exploit

Added on by C. Maoxian.

All about gaming the queue, as usual…

Message processing protocol which mitigates optimistic messaging behavior (from 2018)

Adding a one millisecond speed bump foils the cheaters…

Professor David Lariviere

David Lariviere Google Scholar

Pre-matching orders at wire rate in a central limit order book — creating a central limit order book ain’t rocket science. Too bad the US has a spaghetti bowl stock market like some banana republic…