Blancolirio and Zoom Earth

Added on by C. Maoxian.

I enjoy watching Juan Browne’s channel on YouTube, “blancolirio.” He’s a pilot who has a no-nonsense, “just the facts, ma’am” approach to reporting on subjects that he’s interested in, mostly aviation-related things. I noticed today that he was using a really neat weather website I’d never seen before called “Zoom Earth,” which is both beautifully done and free. Check them both out.

Dr. Handerson

Added on by C. Maoxian.

Report of Independent Investigation: Allegations of Sexual Misconduct Against Robert E. Anderson — 240 page pdf document

“Dr. Anderson’s misconduct ranged from performing medically unnecessary hernia and rectal examinations on patients seeking treatment for wholly unrelated issues, to manually stimulating male patients and causing them to ejaculate, to quid pro quo arrangements in which he provided medical services in exchange for sexual contact.”

“The most common form of misconduct patients described to us involved Dr. Anderson conducting sensitive examinations (i.e., hernia and/or genital, prostate and/or rectal, and breast and/or pelvic examinations) that they perceived as unnecessary.”

“Almost immediately after Dr. Anderson arrived at the University, rumors about him performing inappropriate and unnecessary examinations of a sensitive nature started circulating on campus. The names by which student athletes referred to Dr. Anderson included ‘Dr. Balls Anderson,’ ‘Dr. Drop Your Drawers Anderson,’ ‘Dr. Handerson,’ ‘Dr. Jelly Fingers,’ ‘Goldfinger,’ ‘Handy Andy,’ and ‘Nutsy Anderson,’ among others.

John Cassavetes Made Awful Movies

Added on by C. Maoxian.

Pauline Kael called Faces (1968) ‘dumb, crudely conceived, and badly performed.’ ‘Muddle-headed, pretentious, and interminable,’ was what John Simon had to say about A Woman Under the Influence (1974), while Stanley Kauffman called it ‘utterly without interest or merit.’ Variety jeered at Minnie and Moskowitz as ‘oppressive,’ ‘irritating,’ ‘shrill,’ ‘numbing,’ and ‘indulgent.’”

AND THEY WERE BEING KIND! I hate every movie John Cassavetes ever made and instantly know that someone has his head up his ass when he says he likes the movies of John Cassavetes.

Among later generation critics, David Denby is still unconvinced that Cassavetes' work merits attention.

Hurray for David Denby!

Movies Watched -- Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me (1992)

Added on by C. Maoxian.

135 minute running time so 40 minutes too long … who wants to decode another movie from creepy weirdo David Lynch? I guess this is a “prequel” to the Twin Peaks television series. Lynch is interested in surface normality (bucolic small town America and nuclear families) and hidden corruption and rot and terror, the dream world and the waking world, fantasy and reality. Serious and disturbing issues like sexual abuse leading to drug abuse and sexual promiscuity … he’s interested in this. He’s also interested in the relationship between women, the jealousy and competitive nature of female relations, this is a constant theme. He makes the same movie over and over and over.

Mullholland Drive is better than this because it’s more comprehensible, the story makes more sense in the context of the failed Hollywood starlet and her suicide.

I AM your best friend.

Bluebird American Express Prepaid Debit Account Member Agreement

Added on by C. Maoxian.

I’m going to get one of these Bluebird cards as an experiment … it looks like the lowest-fee prepaid debit card out there.

18. Fees and Limits

The section below makes you go hmmmm:

19. Restricted Activities

4.  Purchase or sell, or facilitate the purchase or sale of, illegal goods or services (including, but not limited to:

  • unlawful sexually oriented materials or services and

  • counterfeit products),

  • unlawful gambling activities,

  • fraud,

  • money laundering,

  • the funding of terrorist organizations, or the

  • unlawful purchase or sale of tobacco,

    • firearms,

    • prescription drugs, or

    • other controlled substances;

If you breach this Section 19 or permit others to do so or conduct (or attempt to conduct) any transactions that we believe are not permitted by this Agreement (such as one of the activities set forth above) or Applicable Law, we may, at our sole discretion and without waiving any of our rights, freeze, close, cancel, suspend, or limit your use of your Account, Subaccount, Bluebird card, Subaccount card, Goals  and/or Walmart Buck$TM balance.

Triumph TR4/4A Colors

Added on by C. Maoxian.


British Racing Green

Jasmine Yellow

Powder Blue

Royal Blue

Sebring White

Signal Red

Spa White

Triumph Racing Green

Valencia Blue

Wedgewood Blue