Movies Watched -- Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me (1992)

Added on by C. Maoxian.

135 minute running time so 40 minutes too long … who wants to decode another movie from creepy weirdo David Lynch? I guess this is a “prequel” to the Twin Peaks television series. Lynch is interested in surface normality (bucolic small town America and nuclear families) and hidden corruption and rot and terror, the dream world and the waking world, fantasy and reality. Serious and disturbing issues like sexual abuse leading to drug abuse and sexual promiscuity … he’s interested in this. He’s also interested in the relationship between women, the jealousy and competitive nature of female relations, this is a constant theme. He makes the same movie over and over and over.

Mullholland Drive is better than this because it’s more comprehensible, the story makes more sense in the context of the failed Hollywood starlet and her suicide.

I AM your best friend.