Movies Watched -- It Could Happen To You (1994)

Added on by C. Maoxian.

101 minute running time so a perfect length … movies from the early 90s are the end of an era, right before cell phones and the internet destroyed everything … this is really cute, Nic Coppola playing a doofus (again) and skinny-assed Bridget Fonda (nepo babies both) along with Rosie Perez, who was annoyingly fun, not unlike the role Luis Guzmán played in Out of Sight … the undertaker from Six Feet Under, also co-starring NYC and the old coffee cups, I don’t know who else I recognized… this was not from John Farr, but from the same person who recommended The Hand That Rocks the Cradle, which I also really liked. I tried to send “Elizabeth Ervin” an email and a tweet in thanks, but received no response.

This is feel-good stuff, wholesome fun for the whole family, green-go, recommended. No swearing, no tattoos, no cell phones, plus goofy, often slightly racist humor is a win!

You want a sick day, get sick.

Movies Watched -- Helter Skelter (1976)

Added on by C. Maoxian.

183 minute running time … that’s over three hours long, but amazingly I didn’t fast forward much, so it must have been well made … it was hilarious how incompetent the police were, and these were rich white people who got murdered, which makes it doubly shocking. The actor who played Manson was really good (meaning really scary). Prosecutor Bugliosi comes across well, which is not surprising since he wrote the script. This was a John Farr recommendation.

Blackie will wipe out whitey…

Movies Watched -- Mean Streets (1973)

Added on by C. Maoxian.

110 minute running time but felt like forever… Who cares about these lowlife Italian guys, other than Marty Scorsese? … gritty early 1970s Manhattan … went to fast forward after 20 minutes and never looked back .. stars Harvey Keitel and Bob De Niro… I just didn’t care. John Farr recommended it, but I sure don’t.

Positively No Gambling

Movies Watched -- The Little Girl Who Lives Down the Lane (1976)

Added on by C. Maoxian.

91 minute running time, which is a good length, but I still watched this one on fast forward since it was weird and had pedo vibes … Jodie Foster not acting her age (being precocious) … Ramón Antonio Gerardo Estévez played a gorgeous pedophile (I guess that’s why John Farr recommended this one) … I wasn’t thrilled with this and certainly wouldn’t recommend it.

You’re a regular hippie, huh?

Movies Watched -- The China Syndrome (1978)

Added on by C. Maoxian.

122 minute running time so 22 minutes too long … Hanoi Jane (she’s a good actress), long-haired Michael Douglas and old Jack Lemmon playing a serious role (very well) … nuclear power (a pity Douglas says nuke-you-ler, but Fonda pronounced it perfectly), women’s lib, corporate greed and bad guys, public safety … don’t forget that Three Mile Island happened on March 28, 1979 and Chernobyl happened April 26, 1986, so this movie was pretty timely! I guess everybody should see this one and John Farr also recommended it, so I’ll make it a green-go even though it’s 22 minutes too long.

Don’t worry your pretty head about a nuclear meltdown.

Movies Watched -- A Simple Plan (1998)

Added on by C. Maoxian.

121 minute running time so 20 to 30 minutes too long … my DVD wasn’t subtitled so I couldn’t watch it on fast forward so I just fast forwarded it without the dialogue… I saw this 25 years ago and liked it then but wasn’t thrilled with it on re-watch, just too long and predictable (“greed ain’t good”) and sort of second-rate acting … Billy Bob playing his usual simpleton, Bill Paxton with a bad haircut, a very pregnant Bridget Fonda, which was nice to see … looked like it was filmed in my neck of Appalachia, but no, that was Minnesota. John Farr recommended it, but I wouldn’t.

See how simple it is?

Movies Watched -- Taxi Driver (1976)

Added on by C. Maoxian.

114 minute running time so 14 minutes too long … Martin Scorsese has made only a couple of great movies and this is one of them, a green-go for sure. Robert De Niro is so good, Cybill Shepherd, 12-year-old Jodie Foster, Harvey Keitel, they’re all good… the story is good (though 14 minutes too long) and well told (Paul Schrader script), holds up great nearly 50 years later … America in the early 1970s was about as low as it got in modern times, just brutal … I liked the fantasy ending, I think that was a Scorsese joke on “happy” Hollywood endings, because Travis is in hell for sure. John Farr recommends it too: “alienation in an urban wasteland.”

Taking me to a place like this is about as exciting to me as saying, “Let’s f*ck.”