Stock du Jour -- ADTX

Added on by C. Maoxian.

This thing dinged pre- and then they really rigged it later on, driving it up above $2. I paid $1,000 exactly for the borrow (2 cents a share). ADTX has the worst looking Fuzzy DD I’ve ever seen:

S-1, Warrants up the yin yang, Convertible Notes, Convertible Preferred, an ATM, and an Equity Line … and of course, you guessed it: WAIN.

Someone I know made $29,000 shorting this.

Stock du Jour -- LYT

Added on by C. Maoxian.

You guessed it, big gapper… 85% from previous close to open or 132% from previous close to the pre-market high … short the open, stop somewhere above, cover end of day. Or you could do what I did and mangle it with multiple covers, thus cutting my profits short. Borrow was 2.4 to 3.9 cents per share. Over $1,000 in borrow fees. Oh, your guru never mentions the fees? Wonder why.

Not a lot of dings, and I hate to say it but my dinger broke and I missed a bunch of trades as a result, including a monster win, but c’est la vie.

Are Your Devoted Followers At Hand?

Added on by C. Maoxian.

Just saw this at Glimmerglass… this is my favorite scene:

When the foeman bares his steel,

Tarantara! tarantara!

We uncomfortable feel,


And we find the wisest thing,

Tarantara! tarantara!

Is to slap our chests and sing,


For when threatened with emeutes,

Tarantara! tarantara!

And your heart is in your boots,


There is nothing brings it round,

Like the trumpet’s martial sound,

Like the trumpet’s martial sound,

Tarantara! tarantara!

Go, ye heroes, go to glory,

Though you die in combat gory,

Ye shall live in song and story.

Go to immortality!

Go to death, and go to slaughter;

Die, and every Cornish daughter

With her tears your grave shall water.

Go, ye heroes, go and die!

Go, ye heroes, go and die!

Though to us it’s evident,

Tarantara! tarantara!

These attentions are well meant,


Such expressions don’t appear,

Tarantara! tarantara!

Calculated men to cheer,


Who are going to meet their fate

In a highly nervous state.

Tarantara! tarantara! tarantara!

Still to us it’s evident

These attentions are well meant.

Tarantara! tarantara! tarantara!

Go and do your best endeavour,

And before all links we sever,

We will say farewell for ever.

Go to glory and the grave!

Go to glory and the grave!

For your foes are fierce and ruthless,

False, unmerciful, and truthless;

Young and tender, old and toothless,

All in vain their mercy crave.

We observe too great a stress,

On the risks that on us press,

And of reference a lack

To our chance of coming back.

Still, perhaps it would be wise

Not to carp or criticise,

For it’s very evident

These attentions are well meant.

Stock du Jour -- MGOL

Added on by C. Maoxian.

There was some broad market volatility so there weren’t that many dings, but MGOL was one of them. I missed the entry and have no idea what the borrow cost was.

Not many dings…

Stock du Jour -- VSEE

Added on by C. Maoxian.

VSEE gapped up 151% meaning that the Opening Print Boyz were involved… we’ve been talking in the Discord about Grouchy’s idea of moving the initial stop to the higher of the PM high or pre-10:30 AM high after 10:30 AM, but still have come to no conclusion about whether this is a good idea or not. It didn’t matter with VSEE since it went straight down. I paid 14.75 cents per share for the borrow.

Click to enlarge

You can see from this Top List that the blind shorts had a huge day. Always remember that the Opening Print Boyz play is just a variation on blind shorting.

Around five-minute long Bookmap Replay … watch in 1080p .. can you make any reads?

Stock du Jour -- BBLG

Added on by C. Maoxian.

BBLG gapped up 69% and I paid $180 for the borrow, but ended up not getting an entry and it faded 25% without me — painful.

Shockingly few dings… added a new column, check it out … uh oh, looks wrong, most recent close changes at EOD, will have to look into fixing tomorrow: