Social Determinants of Health Screening

Added on by C. Maoxian.

Why was I asked these questions before an upcoming appointment with my doctor? Can anyone explain to me?

  • Within the past 12 months, you worried that your food would run out before you got the money to buy more.

  • Within the past 12 months, the food you bought just didn’t last and you didn’t have money to get more.

  • In the past 12 months, has lack of transportation kept you from medical appointments or from getting medications?

  • In the past 12 months, has lack of transportation kept you from meetings, work, or from getting things needed for daily living?

  • In the last 12 months, was there a time when you were not able to pay the mortgage or rent on time?

  • In the last 12 months, how many places have you lived?

  • In the last 12 months, was there a time when you did not have a steady place to sleep or slept in a shelter (including now)?

“For more immediate support related to food, housing, transportation and other social services, call 2-1-1.”

I had no idea this existed, but I do pay 38% of my income to the tax man….