Competitive People With Sharp Minds

Added on by C. Maoxian.

From Jean Baker’s episode on Booknotes:

“… in the context of the time [Adlai Stevenson II] surely was [an anti-Semite]. Remember, this is a time in American history, and we're talking now about the '20s and '30s, when white, Anglo-Saxon Protestants talked an anti-Semitic vocabulary, and certainly this was part of his society and he shared it with them. When I also think that he--because he failed out of Harvard Law School, he always, I think, felt that Harvard had been one of the places where he had first met Jewish people and that they were more competitive than he. And that, also, was something that came up in his years in the New Deal with Jerome Frank and some of the really sharp minds of the New Deal. These people were Jewish. And I think Stevenson resented that.“