Jeni's Watermelon Taffy Review

Added on by C. Maoxian.

We’re getting to the last few in the box, Watermelon Taffy being the seventh flavor to review.

I haven’t eaten a piece of taffy in decades, but this flavor instantly brought it all back and I have no idea how Jeni did this. I looked at the ingredients and saw “natural flavor” on there, which makes me think it must be some kind of oil? The food industry somehow lobbied the FDA or whoever to make it easier to put artificial flavors in things while labeling them “natural flavor.” Anyway, this taffy flavor is perfect, too perfect. That doesn’t mean I like it.

Cutesy side story

Watermelon Taffy is sort of sickeningly sweet, but it has its charms and is a great gimmick flavor. One scoop eaten one time should be enough for one lifetime.