Movies Watched -- All The Money In The World (2017)

Added on by C. Maoxian.

132 minute running time so at least 30 to 40 minutes too long. Story “inspired” (i.e., they fictionalized the ending) by 1973 kidnapping of JP Getty III, “Paolo,” in Rome … short underwear model Marky Mark inexplicably in another major movie role, this time as former CIA man now Getty fixer, 88-year-old Chris Plummer as JPGetty (plays a good villain), Michelle Williams as Paolo’s mom — haven’t seen her since Shame (which I loved). Italian kidnappers and cops both come across as nincompoops. Not terrible, but also not very good, and just way too long. Yellow rating.

Rex liked it. Dick Brody did not.

I have no money to spare.

I have no money to spare.