Movies Watched -- Ammonite (2020)

Added on by C. Maoxian.

117 minute running time so at least 30 minutes too long … a W.D. By movie (I think he’s gay) … a lesbian love story set in the 1840s … Kate Winslet plays the handsome man (who’s stacked) and Saoirse Ronan plays the elven princess … there’s some serious muff diving, but I just didn’t care about any of it, and it’s slooooww … it wasn’t badly made, in many ways it’s very good, but it just wasn’t for me. This was a John Farr reco, but I say give it a miss.

Adam Graham gets it right: “[It] never really catches fire. It's just a lot of smoke, which makes it even harder to see through the film's hazy lens.”

Rex liked it, but writes: “The movie is also ponderously slow—the cinematic equivalent of liquid valium.” And: “Ammonite has moments of delicacy and beauty, but it’s not a movie for everybody.”

We should share the bed

We should share the bed