Movies Watched -- Bottle Rocket (1996)

Added on by C. Maoxian.

91 minute running time … Wes Anderson’s first movie … introducing? Luke and Owen Wilson to the world. They did have this laconic Texan way of talking that was weird and sort of charming (Melissa Villaseñor’s imitation is brilliant) … cutesy but pointless Wes Anderson stuff from before he perfected the formula … I wasn’t thrilled (though Rushmore is one of my Top 500 movies of all time).

Rita Kempley got it right when she wrote: “Bottle Rocket … gets by on quirky charm and slacker chic— but just barely … aptly named for cheaply made fireworks that tend to fizzle instead of explode.”

A whole generation “incapable of independent action.” Ouch, says this Gen-Xer.

Falling for the motel maid

Falling for the motel maid