132 minutes so at least 30 to 40 minutes too long. I gave it 20 minutes before going to fast forward. They're shamelessly milking the Rocky franchise one last time. Stars super fit black guy (Apollo Creed's illegitimate son, you see). Boxing stories don't hold any appeal in the Age of Cage Fighting. Boxing comes across as unnecessarily violent and just plain dumb, now that we know how sophisticated fighting can be (in the Age of the Cage). Who wants to become a "tomato can" now? So it doesn't make much sense. Sly Stallone is good at poking fun at himself, which is nice to see. Oh, and there's a beautiful light-skinned black girl as Mr. Johnson's love interest. But I don't know why it's at 94% at Rotten Tomatoes. It gets a red rating (avoid) from me.
The Champ, momentarily distracted by a spider in corner of ceiling.