90 minute running time but I quit 45 minutes in … no sub-titles on disc so couldn’t watch on fast forward and read along … neat set design and maybe not a bad idea (if you are a teenage pot smoker), but terrible writing and acting made it more or less unwatchable. One star (terrible). This was not a John Farr reco so he is thankfully not to blame for once. Don’t waste your time on this.
Marc Savlov gets it right: “It's an existential, Kafka-esque nightmare with no real resolution, although if you've been biding your time waiting to see some high-strung, ham-handed bickering on-screen, this is your A-ticket … Conversations, of which there are many, touch on everything from eco-terrorism to government cover-ups to UFOs, all while providing virtually no backstory about the cube or its inhabitants … Cube seems to have it all backwards: It's a film in search of a one-act play.”