92 minute running time. Documentary about the obesity “epidemic.” Wasn’t super thrilled with it. Features several obese kids and their fat parents. The interesting thing to me is why aren’t the siblings of these fat kids similarly fat? They’re all eating the same crap food in the same amounts, yet only one of them is 250 pounds at age 14. It’s obvious to me that the super fat kid has some metabolic issue which is preventing him from processing the junk food in the same way his siblings are.
Everyone knows sugar is bad, processed foods are bad, Pizza Hut and carbonated sugar water in the public school cafeterias are bad. There’s nothing new here. And they didn’t explore the metabolic root of the fat kid problem, which would have been truly interesting. I can’t recommend this one.
Pass the Nutella & Go! (23 grams of sugar and 13 grams of fat)