97 minute running time … this was slit-your-wrists depressing, a low-budget movie about a poor single white mother living in the northern border town of Massena, NY who gets involved with a young Mohawk woman who is a smuggler of illegals (mostly Chinese) across the frozen St. Lawrence river from Canada… (the beautiful blonde upper-middle class white woman who wrote this script and directed the movie went to Sarah Lawrence, which shouldn’t be confused with St. Lawrence county) … anyway, damn, I had to fast forward through most of this because the sadsack people and muddy, down and out places were just too awful to watch at normal speed… I think the star was a good actress, she looked like a version of Bonnie Raitt if Bonnie had grown up in an upstate New York trailer park instead of Beverly Hills.
That sicko John Farr is to blame for this reco. You can give it a miss.
I just want my double.