In German and Danish. 101 minute running time, so a good length, though I could have trimmed a few minutes off to get it within the sacred 100 minute mark if I were the editor. The story of German POWs (teenage boys in this case) who were forced to clear mines from the west coast of Denmark following the war. A Danish sergeant is their commander (more like a scoutmaster), and he’s alternately cruel and kind … in the end he proves to be merciful and just.
The Danish title is Under Sandet (Under the Sand) which is not as clever as the English title.
I liked this movie. It’s not perfect (predictable at times), and it’s not entertainment or a pleasure to watch, but it’s well constructed and well acted, and it gets a green rating, a rare recommendation from the Chairman.
So far among the 2017 movies I’ve seen, I’ve liked Wind River, Graduation, and this one.
Bist du ein Mann?