109 minute running time, so at least 10 to 20 minutes too long. Unusual movie, directed by a woman from a script written by women. About a damaged guy (a Marine vet with PTSD) and his teenage daughter who live in the woods outside of Portland … “social services” brings them in and tries to house them (they’re all very nice, no stupid people in the mix), but Dad wants to run away again and does, taking his daughter with him, even though she just wants a place to settle down and live a “normal” life. Mom is absent, dead or divorced, we don’t know.
I didn’t buy the story. Just how long have they been out in the woods? And the father is not going to abandon his fine-boned daughter, I don’t care how much shock and awe he saw in the desert. Critics (esp. women like Zacharek, who wrote a good and glowing review) are going to love it, and it’s not terrible, it’s just that the premise is flawed.
Miss Quivering Chin with yet another Kind Earthy Woman