119 minute running time. Watched at 1.5x ffwd. Heist movie / redneck comedy made by snotty coastal elites ... making fun of southern (West Virginia) white trash culture: old pickup trucks, NASCAR, child beauty pageants, camo Carhartt caps, The Google, two tours in I-raq, everyone's tattooed, etc. ... goateed Channing Tatum as hobbled ex-coal miner, with Katie Holmes (she’s ageing well) as his ex- and Adam Sackler from Girls as his brother.... blonde Daniel Craig (his explosives explanation with chalk was funny) .... Hilary Swank plays Arnold Schwarzenegger ... fake Southern accents were grating and offensive ... sets up for a sequel, oh no! ... directed by Steven Soderbergh?!? It was at least 20 minutes too long, but it wasn't super duper terrible. Yellow rating.
Rex hated it (but he has always loathed Soderbergh).
Miner's alien daughter, stranger to blue water