121 minutes, so at least 20 to 30 minutes too long. It's about Brian Wilson, leader of the Beach Boys. Movie is split between the 60s, where some mop-haired kid plays Wilson, and the 80s, where John Cusack plays Wilson. The kid who plays him isn't bad but John Cusack is a disaster. Wesley Morris, in his brilliant review, gets Cusack exactly right when he says, "it’s like watching a movie star have a bad Ambien reaction."
There are a few songs from the Beach Boys I like, probably half a dozen, and I wasn't thrilled with Pet Sounds, I'm not a "fan," I don't know the backstory of Brian Wilson. But it was sort of interesting, both the tortured youth aspect, and the post-heavy drug abuse / mentally ill adult being imprisoned by his shrink (played by Tiny Giamatti in a wig). I should say that I watched it on 2x fast forward, and I fear that I'll do that a lot from now on. If you're a Baby Boomer who loved the Beach Boys, then you should see it, but for everyone else it gets only a yellow (consider) rating from me.
Hearing Voices