Movies Watched -- Magic Mike XXL (2015)

Added on by C. Maoxian.

115 minute running time so at least 20 minutes too long … this inexplicably was in my queue (ah, I think I was supposed to see the original and this was a sequel) … male strippers, simulated sex shows, etc., this is a culture that I am not familiar with … White Chocolate, er, Channing Tatum, can dance though … note that the gorgeous Matt Bomer (who is gay), from season three of The Sinner, was one of the strippers … anyway, just a weird one. I guess if you’re interested in the world of male strippers and can stand non-stop swearing and general crudity and dumbness, then you might want to see it.

Rex hated it: “Feeble attempts at plot or character revelation are laughable. There is no climax. Magic Mike XXL just fades to black….“

Never Heard of her…

Never Heard of her…