Movies Watched -- Never Rarely Sometimes Always (2020)

Added on by C. Maoxian.

101 minute running time … men don’t come across well in this one, they’re all predators or assholes or perverts masturbating at you on the subway, or slobbering over your outstretched hand, etc. … this was well made though and the lead actress was really good, the scene of intrusive (and revelatory) questioning that I’ve screencapped below was powerful stuff, she really knocked it out of the park there. Tough to watch, but necessary. Thanks to John Farr for the recommendation.

It’s a teenage pregnancy / abortion story … how a poor white girl from rural Pennsylvania deals with it … could she really not have turned to her mom for help? Or some other supportive adult, including a man, even a … dare I say it, dad? And what of the baby’s father? Sad and disturbing. It’s also about friendship and loyalty and teen girls toughing things out together. Money, class, sexual abuse, bureaucracy … heavy stuff, not light entertainment. It’s cleverly made propaganda of sorts which all teenage girls (and boys) should see for a scare. This gets a green-go.

Dick Brody called it “stark and harrowing,” which is surely is. Justin Chang writes, “what makes the movie so forceful is its quality of understatement, its determination to build its argument not didactically but cinematically.“ I found it pretty didactic, but… it is still good.

Also love Armond White’s take on it

“I want to make sure you’re safe.”

“I want to make sure you’re safe.”