Movies Watched -- Shattered Glass (2003)

Added on by C. Maoxian.

99 minute running time … I enjoyed this one, it’s a green-go. I vaguely remember the story of Stephen Glass fabricating whole stories out of thin air … one thing that’s interesting and not explored in the movie is the fact that Glass is Jewish and Marty Peretz is Jewish, but the editors and most fellow writers were all Gentiles … not a whisper about this dynamic in the movie … anyway, it’s well made, not overly long, not boring. It’s a winner. It’s sort of quaint now … back in 1998, the cusp of the internet age, magazines like The New Republic mattered, but of course it doesn’t anymore. The entire newspaper/magazine industry has been decimated by the internet (with democracy failing alongside it). No need to shed a tear?

This was a John Farr reco and I thank him for it.