127 minute running time so at least 30 to 40 minutes too long … this was terrible, I hated it… a Francis Ford Coppola self-funded vanity piece … I like Vinnie Gallo’s movies so someone recommended I watch this one where he’s an actor instead of the writer director producer, etc., but that was an awful idea.
Peter Rainer correctly wrote that it is “an inchoate mass of half-baked (and sometimes blackened) Oedipal dramaturgy … whenever Coppola goes into his indie-outsider dance, he stumbles badly.”
Kyle Smith correctly calls the movie a “frazzled, fractured monster” and writes, “Having passed through the phases of Interesting Apprentice, Mad Genius, Chastened Bankrupt and Shameless Wage Slave, Coppola at 70 may be the world’s oldest student filmmaker.”
Marjorie Baumgarten correctly writes, “… judging by the narrative flabbiness of [the] film, it might be possible to conclude that the Sturm and Drang of answering to one’s backers is not necessarily a bad thing for the overall artistic process.”
Peter Bradshaw wrote the best review of all: “a self-indulgent mess … it is laboured, massively implausible, excruciatingly self-important and really quite staggeringly boring in the way only a deeply personal film from a deeply important film-maker can be.”
She is 18 years old, like you