In French. 96 minute running time. This was completely absurd. Bruno is a 20-year-old Belgian kid with blue eyes and blonde hair who looks like a surfer dude and spends his time stealing and lying … he has an improbably beautiful girlfriend with amazing bones who has just had his boy child (L’enfant), but Bruno, who is also an enfant, has the bright idea to sell the baby for quick cash, this is the kind of a guy he is … it’s just so silly. This got the Palme D’Or, but only because they give it solely to French language movies, and there was nothing else made in 2005 in French.
John Farr is to blame for this bum reco: “we realize these kids have no positive examples to draw on in making decisions, and that by circumstance, adulthood has been thrust on them well before they're ready for it” … oh spare me, John.
Je m'appelle Jimmy