101 minute running time so the perfect length, but this movie was no good … Marky Mark playing an English professor! / rich kid with a gambling problem. Gets in debt to both the Korean mob and Chalky White. Beautiful mom (Jessica Lange) tries to bail him out to the tune of $260K but he blows that too. Eventually has to seek bailout from mobster John Goodman wearing a fat suit. Scenes with Goodman are the best since he always has fun with his characters. Sub-plot about love affair with one of his students (Brie Larson). Sports betting, double crossing, blah blah. Re-born a free man followed by a run across town.
Why the movie is no good … it’s just not that interesting in the end, who cares? — gambling / self-destructive stories never holds any interest, even to people who gamble and are self-destructive. RottenTomatoes actually gets one right with a 44% fresh rating. Rex correctly called it a “wet battery.”
Hair over ears is Marky’s professorial look