106 minute running time so just over the sacred 100 minute mark. More homosexual propaganda from Hollywood … movie was written and directed by a Jewish lesbian. Annette Bening and Julianne Moore play a lesbian couple with two lovely, well-adjusted kids … the kids want to meet their sperm donor, who turns out to be the gorgeous Mark Ruffalo. The kids like Mark and Julianne even starts sleeping with him, thus throwing the “family” into total disarray. No worries though, the goofy straight hunk Dad is cast aside by all, and the gay family lives happily every after. There are a lot of funny bits, it isn’t badly made, but of course it’s morally reprehensible (I’m only half-joking). Avoid.
Tony Lane wasn’t thrilled either: “… by an irony that Cholodenko may not fully have intended, the climax of ‘The Kids Are All Right’ grows suddenly humorless, and close to vengeful, in its moralizing glare.”
Sperm worth $60 bucks a pop