164 minutes so at least an hour too long. I fast forwarded from 20 minutes in at 2x (retain audio). This is one of those movies made by Hollywood committee. The commander is a woman, the crew has a smartass Latino on it, the scientists are black, including a disheveled genius black kid who slurps coffee and has to plug his laptop into a mainframe to do the really big equations. I hate all that. But you know what I hate more? Pandering to the Chinese Communists to get selected as one of the 34 movies they'll let into their market every year. (Thrilled to see Colbert did a whole segment on this.) It was disgusting.
The story itself is kind of interesting, kid trapped on Mars has to survive for four years by "sciencing the shit" out of things. Space nerds probably loved it. I wasn't thrilled, even at 2x fast forward. Deserves a red rating for that Chinese kowtow, but will give it a yellow rating for science nerds, and idiots who like big budget, by-committee Hollywood productions ($100 million in opening weekend).
Beefcake stapling self