Movies Watched -- The Souvenir (2019)

Added on by C. Maoxian.

119 minute running time so at least half an hour too long … ultimately boring, it’s about a rich British girl who falls for this charming slightly older guy with a repaired harelip who happens to be a heroin addict. Tilda Swinton plays the old mother (she’s always good) and I think the lead actor is her daughter (nepotism is alive and well). She has a nice posh accent and sort of an interesting face, but this movie was no good. John Farr did me dirty by recommending it. You can’t tell what era it’s supposed to be from (it’s the early 80s), so you’re always confused about whether it’s a story in the present or not, no visual clues, pretty maddening and a big mistake. Figures the pretentious asses at Sundance would give it an award. You can give it a miss.

Dick Brody once again the only mainstream critic willing to write the truth:  “In the end, ‘The Souvenir’ is a movie about experience that doesn’t itself offer much of an experience.”

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