In Italian … 179 minute running time … normally I’d say this is twice as long as it should be, but this was a special movie and gets a pass because it had many beautiful moments … it’s not a single story, but a series of dozens of vignettes… the life of Italian peasants at the turn of the 20th century.
I liked it and am glad I saw it and can recommend it and would have also voted for it if I were on the Palme d’Or committee, but be warned, it’s three hours long.
From the Criterion blurb: “Through the cycle of seasons, of backbreaking labor, love and marriage, birth and death, faith and superstition, Olmi naturalistically evokes an existence very close to nature, celebrating its beauty, humor, and simplicity but also acknowledging the feudal cruelty that governs it. Winner of the Palme d’Or at Cannes in 1978, The Tree of Wooden Clogs is intimate in scale but epic in scope—a towering, heart-stirring work of humanist filmmaking.”
Marriage is a Holy Sacrament