121 minute running time so at least 20 to 30 minutes too long … this was a weird one, based on a book written by the same guy who did The Searchers (you know, Natalie Wood, white baby raised as Injun) … in this one he flips the story so it’s an Injun baby (Audrey Hepburn!) raised as a white … Burt Lancaster is her big protective brother (inklings of incest) … Lillian Gish, ancient silent star, plays Ma (who lost her blonde-curled baby) … Audie Murphy plays another brother … the Injuns come to take Audrey back but just ride around in circles giving the white man plenty of time to pick them off with ease .. this is a John Huston movie … there are some nice shots framed, but the story is sort of mixed-up, and of course Audrey chooses her white family in the end and the whites triumph over the Injuns. Interestingly they use the term “red nigger” several times in the movie, which I’d never heard before. Also “redhide Injun.” This wasn’t terrible enough to get a one star avoid rating, but it obviously isn’t three star recommended.
(There’s also a great scene where a “half breed” chases a guy down by using three spare horses and hops from one to the next as they tire… I wonder who the stunt man was? There’s also a good scene where Lillian Gish plays the piano to battle the Injun flutes.)
A Red Nigger if ever was!