In Hungarian. 117 minute running time so at least 20 to 30 minutes too long. Teenage girl with good Eastern European bones, has to stay with Dad for three months (parents divorced), takes along her dog, a mutt, Dad doesn't want dog, he's kind of a bastard, girl ends up losing dog when father throws it out of car after she smart-mouths him ... dog ends up in hands of dog fighter, scenes of training the dog for dog fights hard to watch ... girl ends up running away from home ... I watched 70! minutes of this before going to fast forward, couldn't take it, too depressing. Not sure how it ended but probably grim. In fact I've never seen a single happy movie from the Eastern Bloc (though my favorite movie in 2006 was The Death of Mr. Lazarescu). Red rating, avoid.
Wes Morris also didn't think it was the cat's meow ... but he confuses the girl's father with her teacher/conductor (happens when you watch multiple movies a day?)
What happens when you shoot a dog up with drugs, sharpen his teeth, and beat him regularly ... an allegory for the Hungarian people?