My Zippo Armor Collection, Part I

Added on by C. Maoxian.

Here’s part I of my Zippo Armor collection, with my notes below. The top two rows are early Zippo Armors, with “Shilly Shally” (A1) being the earliest. You can see the evolution as they experimented with attaching a gem stone (“Stellar Performance” (A4) and “Opalescence” (B4)), or doing epoxy inlays (“Blood Stone,” (B1) “Marble Pillars,” (B2) and “Heartfelt Trinity” (B5)), or went for a “rugged look” with Black Ice coating (“Cave Dwelling” (B3)). Row C demonstrates how design became more conventional with simpler patterns following the Great Financial Crisis.

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A1: No. 20437, Shilly Shally, J 03

A2: No. 20771, Carved Columns w/Black Nickel, G 04

A3: No. 20757, Carved Elegance, C 04

A4: No. 20892, Stellar Performance, I 04

A5: No. 20958, Latitude, A 05

B1: No. 21198, Blood Stone, I 05

B2: No. 20992, Marble Pillars, L 05

B3: No. 21201, Cave Dwelling, D 06

B4: No. 21199, Opalescence, G 06

B5: No. 24199, Heartfelt Trinity, H 07

C1: No. 24953, Carved Border, F 10

C2: No. 24952, Elegance, C 12

C3: No. 28366, (TR?) Carved Border, H 12

C4: No. 28835, Globes, E 16

C5: No. 28637, Carved Chrome Diamond, J 16