This thing started running AH (after hours) yesterday, came in a bit at 4AM then took off again with a rush of 7AM buying and another rush at 8AM (conference call?), then it topped at $4.40 in the pre-market. With a 187% opening gap, this is a no-brainer for the opening print boyz. Opening print of $3.36 with a close at $3.31 would mean no joy, but of course everyone is swinging it. I learned from reading Grouchy Bear’s TWTR feed that he moves his stop to the higher of the PM high or HOD as of 10:30 AM on all his plays (which are all big gappers) … I have no idea how this tests, but there must be a reason he does it.
So many quality dings… remember you have to short ALL of them and equal size your bets. 20 x $50,000 (DPG) or 20 x $5,000 is fine… at 20 x $500, I’m not sure it’s worth your while.