Stock Du Jour, Mon. May 11, 2020, APOP

Added on by C. Maoxian.

Cellect Biotechnology (APOP) was the stock du jour, or more specifically the HTB (hard-to-borrow) du jour, doing 200,000 trades and $215MM in volume. I paid 11.79 cents per share ($1179 per 10,000) for the borrow. APOP hit 5.81 pre-open and broke hard on the open to 4.30, then launched an absolutely vicious (or beautiful, if you’re a savage) stop run to 5.40, then fell again, then bounced again (yeah, a big coil), giving me a decent spot to get short. I was a bad boy however and took partial profits at hourly support, which was a mistake, as Dave Mabe and his warm blanket will tell you. Covered the rest at the close, but the damage was done and the all-out R not wonderful on a 12% gain.

A lot of stuff was in play today … MARK (258,000 trades and $398MM in volume), AMC (227,000 trades and $551MM in volume) which I was anxious to short but my brookie’s locate button wasn’t even responding (restricted somehow) … I asked the second brookie about a borrow and they said I would have to ask them directly, couldn’t get them through the automated locate … UAVS did 72,900 trades and $69.9MM in volume, MGNX did 76,300 trades and $577 million in volume, VTIQ did 33,800 trades and $228MM in volume … as I say, a lot of activity out there. They say there are lot of new retail gamblers in the game, and I believe it after looking through the numbers. Scary.