Sweet Songs and Empty Tummies

Added on by C. Maoxian.

Warren Buffett in 2019:

“In the end, it all goes back to Aesop, who in 600 B.C. said that a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush, and when we buy Amazon we try to figure out whether there’s three or four or five in the bush, and how long it will take to get to the bush, how certain are we going to get to the bush, and who else is going to come and take the bush away.”

The original:

Luscinia, ab accipitre famelico comprehensa, cum se ab eo devorandam intellegeret, blande eum rogabat ut se dimitteret, pollicita pro tanto beneficio ingentem mercedem sese relaturam. Cum autem accipiter eam interrogaret quid gratiae sibi referre posset, “Aures,” inquit, “tuas mellifluis cantibus demulcebo.” “At ego,” inquit accipiter, “malo mihi ventrem demulceas. Sine tuis enim cantibus vivere; sine cibo non possum.”