Filtering by Tag: jenis

Jeni's Butterscotch Popcorn Review

Added on by C. Maoxian.

Final installment in my series of Jeni’s ice cream reviews: Butterscotch Popcorn.

I thought I had saved the best for last since I love popcorn, but I couldn’t taste any popcorn here. Maybe my taste buds have been blow out by the previous eight pints of Jeni’s. The butterscotch was good, I guess the idea was to replicate Cracker Jack or Crunch ‘n Munch, but it didn’t really work.

Cutesy side story

Maybe it was a problem of having high expectations? Anyway, once again it’s a good gimmick flavor to try once in a scoop shop. I wouldn’t buy it again for $12 (plus $15 shipping).

Jeni's Sunshine Review

Added on by C. Maoxian.

Next to last in the series of nine, we have Sunshine.

The ice cream is a solid gray, which is cute. No pastry chunks in here. Just citrus flavors. I loved the non-dairy Lemon Bar lemon … the mix of citrus flavors here is a little off as is the texture.

No cutesy side story

Once again it’s a good gimmick flavor, especially given the color … you could have one scoop and never need another scoop again in your life. No re-order here at $12 a pint plus $15 for shipping.

Jeni's Watermelon Taffy Review

Added on by C. Maoxian.

We’re getting to the last few in the box, Watermelon Taffy being the seventh flavor to review.

I haven’t eaten a piece of taffy in decades, but this flavor instantly brought it all back and I have no idea how Jeni did this. I looked at the ingredients and saw “natural flavor” on there, which makes me think it must be some kind of oil? The food industry somehow lobbied the FDA or whoever to make it easier to put artificial flavors in things while labeling them “natural flavor.” Anyway, this taffy flavor is perfect, too perfect. That doesn’t mean I like it.

Cutesy side story

Watermelon Taffy is sort of sickeningly sweet, but it has its charms and is a great gimmick flavor. One scoop eaten one time should be enough for one lifetime.

Jeni's Lemon Bar Review

Added on by C. Maoxian.

Sixth in the series of Jeni’s ice cream reviews: Lemon Bar (non-dairy)

I think all of Jeni’s non-dairy products are made with coconut cream … combining it with lemon and shortbread crust is a winning combo .. this is really good, and the lemon is exactly that lemon bar flavor and texture sort of lemon. Wow, way to go, Jeni.

Cutesy side story

I would get this one again for sure. $12 plus $15 shipping. We have a winner, even though it’s dairy-free (maybe because it’s dairy-free.)

Jeni's Golden Nectar Review

Added on by C. Maoxian.

Fifth in the series of Jeni’s ice cream reviews: Golden Nectar.

It does indeed taste like nectar, or how one imagines nectar tastes, but the question is do you want to be eating this flavor? (Is the secret ingredient ylang ylang oil?) The little bits of caramel crunch are too small to register, so it’s all this amazing, overwhelming flowery thing going on … this flavor should be a big hit with women! This is not a tough, smelly guy flavor.

Cutesy side story

I wouldn’t get this one again, but I’m going to run it past both my wife and daughter to confirm that this will be a hit flavor with women. UPDATE: Neither my wife nor daughter were thrilled, but my son liked it, and I had another revelation when eating it again: it tastes like frozen egg nog!

Jeni's Buttercream Birthday Cake Review

Added on by C. Maoxian.

Fourth in this series of reviews of nine different Jeni’s ice cream flavors, it’s time for Buttercream Birthday Cake.

Do you know those awful store-bought birthday cakes that have the inch-thick frosting all around? Well Jeni has recreated the taste of those PERFECTLY here. My only gripe is there are so many sprinkles that they sort of overwhelm everything, including the tiny chunks of cake.

Crazy sweet and totally over the top, this is a great gimmick flavor — you’ll only need to eat one scoop one time. I’d never eat it again, but I’m glad I ate it once!

Jeni's Bombastix Sundae Cone Review

Added on by C. Maoxian.

Continuing the difficult work of reviewing Jeni’s ice cream flavors, next up is Bombastix Sundae Cone.

This is the first flavor in this series where the pastry bit, chocolate covered waffle cone, actually works. It’s good! There is a problem though, and it is that the vanilla ice cream tastes mighty fancy, I don’t think anyone gets fancy vanilla bean ice cream in a waffle cone. I’m really nit-picking now.

Cutesy side story

It’s not a grand slam, but this is a winner, and definitely better than both Powdered Jelly Donut and Pineapple Upside Down Cake.

Jeni's Pineapple Upside Down Cake Review

Added on by C. Maoxian.

Next up in my series of reviews of Jeni’s ice cream is the Pineapple Upside Down Cake. I love pineapple upside down cake, which I fear is now Old People Food (Jeni was born in 1973, a fellow Gen-Xer (GenX = 1960-1975). Do kids even know what pineapple upside down cake is? (The key is to use fresh pineapple, never canned.)

The pineapple buttermilk ice cream ain’t bad (has a tang) and the cake works a lot better here than the Jelly Donut, but there are giant swirls of caramel in here that make it too sweet, though the sour cherry syrup sort of offsets it (I didn’t see a single cherry in there … correction, there were a few red cherries deeper down).

Cutesy side story

So once again this is a gimmicky flavor that should be tried once in a scoop shop, but it’s not a keeper or a re-order at $12 a pint (plus $15 for shipping) for me.

Jeni's Powdered Jelly Donut Review

Added on by C. Maoxian.

After making an obscene amount of money day trading the other day, I decided to splurge on some mail-order Jeni’s ice cream, getting a number of flavors which are not available to me in the backwoods of Appalachia. I will review all of them one by one.

The haul

First up is Powdered Jelly Donut.

The raspberry jelly is very good, very jelly doughnut like, but the "brown sugar donut crumble” is where this falls down. Sometimes Jeni nails the pastry bits of her ice cream, but here it just doesn’t work; there’s nothing doughnut like about it, it’s more like cookie dough, and heavily nutmeg’d at that.

Cutesy side story

It’s a good gimmick flavor though and you should try at least a scoop if you’re lucky enough to have a local scoop shop near you. But I wouldn’t order another $12 pint (plus $15 shipping).