Filtering by Tag: youtube

Bérnays Sauce

Added on by C. Maoxian.

Bernays, who helped mastermind many of the Committee on Public Information’s (CPI) propaganda campaigns, was shocked at how effective they were. Bernays’ experience with the CPI gave him a very low opinion of humanity. He believed that most people are dumb, irrational, and easy to manipulate. In fact, he believed that most people are incapable of making informed decisions on their own. In Bernays’ mind the most powerful people in society are not public figureheads or elected officials, but instead whoever produces the propaganda.

Yeah, duh….

Why Dollar Stores Are Struggling

Added on by C. Maoxian.

I like this Wall Street Millennial kid’s videos:

I’ve never been inside a Dollar General, but I’m a shareholder (who is losing money in it and will take the loss at the end of the calendar year)… no vegetables or fruit in dollar stores, I imagine? 30% gross margins the result of ripping off dumb, poor people who don’t realize they’re overpaying….

of course shopping at dollar stores will just make your financial situation worse….

Crazy Russian Kids Climb Shun Hing Tower

Added on by C. Maoxian.

That black dagger of a building in the background is the 京基金融中心, Kingkey (Kinky?) Finance Tower or "KK100." The Russian kids are once again taking advantage of Chinese New Year (when no one's around) to pull their stunts.  

Shun Hing Square Tower is a 384-metre-tall (1,260 ft) skyscraper in Shenzhen, China. With 59 meters spire. This is the third tallest in Shenzhen and 28th tallest in the world and today we will climb on it! Music: Ivan Maslov.

I Could Make A Career Of Being Blue

Added on by C. Maoxian.

Only recently discovered The Magnetic Fields ... love almost all their stuff (the music, the lyrics, the dirge, etc.), esp. songs like this one:

"I Don't Want to Get Over You" performed by The Magnetic Fields live at Town Hall in Seattle, 02-24-2010.