I loved the first season of The Sinner and tolerated seasons two and three, so I’ve just started on season four and here are my brief stream of consciousness bullet points on episode one (SPOILERS):
Bill Pullman still squinting and wincing full time, that’s called acting
PTSD panic attacks from previous seasons
Sonya has fat black buddy on island in Maine?!? Makes no sense but they’re ticking boxes
“Greta,” whom we later learn is a lesbian in addition to being fat and black (tick another box), has a million dollar house despite being a “broke artist” … don’t worry, we never see her again
Chinese invasion angle, threatening Maine lobster operations, again makes no sense
Bill off his anti-depressant zombie meds so the panic attacks are pretty bad
Angular faced Jewish hippie chick from Orange is the New Black appears (I couldn’t stand that show), she is 32 years old
Very awkward old folks sex scene (Bill Pullman is 68 and Jessica Hecht is 57!!) … That Ship Has Sailed, I don’t care that she’s on top, and what’s with the choking, egad
Going to heavy blue camera filter for anti-depressant withdrawal dream? sequence scenes
Ineffectual, slouching country sheriff, needs Big City Bill’s help
Crusty old angular face grandma, “she could get ya back to port in any storm!”
Why do none of these people have Maine accents?
Tokens left near suicide jump site, an air of mystery
Local dive bar has hottie singer with giant mouth (Jessica Marie Brown)
Neo-Nazi homesteader with neck tats looks like zombie, sort of collapses out of camper trailer but remains standing, an air of danger. “I likes just me and da posums out here in da quiet!”
NONE of the Muldoons sound like they are from Maine
Unabomber hoodie captured on CCTV footage
Bill explores weird wailing and moaning he hears from million dollar porch, Blue Filter alert
Oh my god, it’s a coven of naked witches! Led by Grandma Muldoon?!?
Tune in for episode two!
Find me, Bill!