“Even as a kid growing up on the west side of Houston, Michael Thal (Dell) wanted to ‘make more money than any other kid in school.’”
— C. Maoxian (@maoxian) October 2, 2016
“We got into pan pizza and a lot of other stuff — we even started growing our own mushrooms” -Domino’s Tom Monaghan on when he got off track
— C. Maoxian (@maoxian) October 1, 2016
“They asked me at school what he [Dad] did, and I said he was a security analyst, and they thought he checked alarm systems.” -Susan Buffett
— C. Maoxian (@maoxian) October 1, 2016
From 1991 magazine: “In 1987-88 the production of limousines peaked at between 4,000 and 5,000 a year.” | Never rebounded? 80s phenomenon?
— C. Maoxian (@maoxian) October 1, 2016
Re-tweets to my popular stream: https://t.co/iDTYIeK87v | John Not So Greathouse apology, What kind of a GOP candidate rage tweets at 3 AM?
— C. Maoxian (@maoxian) October 1, 2016
Monthly production for September for our solar panels on garage roof: 682.04 kWh
— C. Maoxian (@maoxian) October 1, 2016