Giving Away the Golden Goose

Added on by C. Maoxian.

From Kris Velma’s recent blog post:

“… for me, I want to avoid volume at all costs. Anything with over 10 million shares traded, or projected shares traded that day, I avoid completely … The stocks I target are ones traded by chat room members, and none of them are holding long term on these tickers. Once momentum shifts, they will all panic sell and the stock drops off a cliff, then I cover. Scaling your size on these tickers is limited since there is only so much liquidity you can get into them without seriously affecting the price action or trapping yourself into a position if you need to market out, which is why I usually cap my positions to $20,000 to $30,000 dollar value. Still plenty of money to be made when you can make 20-30% routinely on these pump and dumps.“

Update: Kris Velma continues to share his trades … these were his executions on April 8, 2020:


As he said above, these were all parabolic moves, but on very low volume (AKER was relatively high volume, but still “low”) … note his position sizing. He is keeping his position size very consistent, around the $30,000-$35,000 range. He’s no doubt using a percentage of his total account, which has grown hugely of late, so what used to be $20,000 to $30,000 positions are now $30,000 - $35,000. His losses will always be proportional to his gains, it looks like, i.e., these are 1:1 risk reward trades, but he’s expecting a very high win rate. He might be using some fixed percentage for his gains, the exits are a bit of a mystery to me .. he might be better off just carrying things into the close, but that may be too psychologically difficult with these microcap hard-to-borrows.