Movies Watched -- The Headless Woman (2009)

Added on by C. Maoxian.

In Spanish. 89 minute running time so the perfect length. SPOILERS … this is art house stuff from Argentina, shows you what Argentine society is like… a professional woman (a dentist) (probably) hits and kills a peasant boy and his dog and gets away with it (I say probably because it’s never made clear what actually happened, which is part of the movie’s charm) … her brother is also a dentist, and her lover (not her husband) is a doctor and they both help her cover her tracks, but the victim is just a peasant boy so no authorities would ever pursue the case, but just in case, they do manage a pretty thorough cover-up … but the woman, the killer, she’s sort of a basket case (the woman lost her head, get it?) because of the accident, or maybe she was always a basket case, it’s hard to tell … it wasn’t bad, just very art-housey, so not good for a Murkan audience.

Argentina is all screwed up because of the time when political enemies were “disappeared.” The class differences in Argentina are stark. This is a movie about guilt. I thought the kid’s handprint on her car window was a little, er, heavy-handed, but this woman director is talented, no doubt.

UPDATE: I’ve been thinking about this movie a lot since I watched it and decided to upgrade it to green-go as a result.