Stock Du Jour, Fri. Apr. 24, 2020, MESO

Added on by C. Maoxian.

Mesoblast limited (MESO) was the HTB (hard-to-borrow) du jour, doing 118,000 trades and $458MM in volume … I paid between 4.33 and 29.2 (!) per share for the borrow (a weighted average of nearly 19 cents or $1,900 per 10,000 shares) … I did something really stupid and shorted it around 7:30 AM at an “experimental” entry with too big a position and it ran to $20.57 at the open, nearly $10 above my initial entry … so I had dug myself another “unrealized” hole again — a stupid, unforced error. I wasn’t feeling tilted at all though, thank god, and was able to minimize the damage by end of day, but you’ll see in the summary that I still took a decent loss. Fortunately I had some other profitable trades to make it sort of a breakeven day, NOT including borrow fees.

MDGS was the other obvious HTB du jour (116,000 trades, $58.4MM dollar volume) and I wanted to play it, but the bookie had no shares when I needed them … needless to say that it broke perfectly and faded all day, which would have been a huge win, but I wasn’t in it. See how it works in the real world?

MBOT was a latecomer and IB did have some shares, but it “reclaimed,” “flagged,” and ran in the afternoon, jamming me out for a 1R loss. That wasn’t an unforced error like MESO, so I don’t mind taking that loss. Of course I shoulda reversed and gotten long, but no, I’m incapable of doing that.

I always hate ending the week on a loss, or even breakeven, but that’s the way it works in reality … I’m not #twading here.